Nevada County








            J. A. Jenkins is a well known civil engineer of Grass Valley and for several years was actively associated with railroad-building in this state.  Thus has he contributed to the material growth and advancement of the commonwealth, and at all times, not only in the line of his business but also in other ways, he has manifested a deep interest in the progress of the state, doing all in his power to promote the general welfare.

            Mr. Jenkins is of English birth, his natal day being November 24, 1866.  His parents, John H. and Elizabeth (Martin) Jenkins, were also born in England, and the father, a miner by occupation, came to California in 1860, locating at Grass Valley, where he yet follows his chosen vocation.  His son, J. A. Jenkins, was reared and educated in Nevada County, and on completing his course in the public schools entered the State University at Berkeley, where he pursued a complete course in civil engineering, and was graduated at that institution in the class of 1890 and later was employed on the government geological survey.  Subsequently he went to Oakland, California, and was employed in the city engineer’s office for some time.  He next made a trip to Central America, aiding in railroad surveys, and after almost a year had passed he returned to the Golden state.  He secured a position in the employ of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, in the engineering department, making surveys through California, Arizona, Nevada and Utah, continuing with that corporation until 1896, when he returned to Grass Valley and established his office on Main Street.  He was the deputy county surveyor in 1898, and at the present writing is filling the position of city engineer, being the first incumbent to hold that office in the town.  He is the superintendent of the new sewer system and has discharged his duties in a most capable manner, for his knowledge along the line is comprehensive and exact.  He is also energetic and industrious, and these qualities render him a very competent official, and one in whom his fellow townsmen may well place their trust.

            In politics Mr. Jenkins is a stalwart and earnest Republican, doing all in his power to secure the success and adoption of the principle which constitute his party’s platform.  Socially he is connected with the Masonic fraternity and the Knights of Pythias.  Almost his entire life has been passed on the Pacific coast, and he has ever been deeply interested in the growth and prosperity of this section of the state.  His efforts have been effective along the line of progress, and he justly deserves mention among the representative men of Nevada County.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 191-192. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.




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