Within the past few years, a period
of less than a decade, many events have occurred in which will ever find a
place upon the pages of the world’s history, and these events have clearly
demonstrated the fact that the Anglo-Saxon race will become the dominant power
of the world. The triumph of the
American arms in the Spanish War not only overthrew the rule of a Latin nation
in the West Indies but also resulted in the establishment of American influence
in the islands of the east. At the
present time a great war is being waged in Africa by an English-speaking
people, with which Mr. Isaac, through the ties of nationality, is closely
identified. It was the English race that
laid the foundation for the American Republic, sending many of its best representatives
into the wilderness of the new world to found here a country whose power and
importance is now acknowledged by the oldest races of Europe. From an Anglo-Saxon lineage Mr. Isaac is
descended, his birth having occurred in London, England, on the 21st
of September, 1840. For many generations
as far back as his ancestry can be traced the family are
The father of our subject became one
of the pioneers of 1849. He located in
the capital city and for many years was connected with the detective force of Sacramento,
with which delicate and important service he was connected from early manhood
up to the time of his death in 1877. His
wife, who bore the maiden name of Alice Cooper, died in 1895. In their family were eight children, the subject
of this sketch being the fourth in order of birth. He was about sixteen years of age when he
came to California, and at different times he resided at Virginia City and
Carson, Nevada, spending about twelve years in that way. During that time he followed clerking and was
connected with the post office in Carson for a number of years. In 1873 he came to Nevada City and some years
ago was appointed deputy sheriff. He also filled the position of health officer
for one year, and in May, 1899, he was elected assessor. He has been a member of the fire department
for twelve years; has held the office of chief engineer and secretary of the
board of delegates, which position he still holds. He is a painter, paper-hanger and decorator by
trade, and in connection with his business he has discharged the various duties
entrusted to him by his fellow townsmen in a most acceptable manner.
While residing in Nevada Mr. Isaac
was married, in July, 1870, to Miss Elizabeth Whilden,
a lady of culture and refinement whose birth occurred in Wales. Her father, Edward Whilden, came to
California in 1854 and for many years followed mining at Nevada City. His death occurred in April, 1895.
In politics Mr. Isaac is a staunch
Republican, taking an active interest in public matters, frequently serving as
a delegate to county conventions.
Socially, he is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and
has passed all the chairs of the subordinate lodge, and also has become a
member of a lodge of the Rebekah degree.
He belongs to the subordinate lodge and uniformed rank of the Knights of
Pythias, has filled all of its offices, and has been secretary for twelve
years. He is a valued representative of
the Ancient Order of United Workmen, has been honored with its various official
positions, has been a representative at the grand lodge for several years and
has taken its degree of honor and become a member of the society of the
Rathbone Sisters. He is a man of marked
ability and energy and therefore is always in demand in connection with the
important activities in business and public life.
Transcribed by
Gerald Iaquinta.
“A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern
California”, Pages 466-467. Chicago Standard Genealogical Publishing Co. 1901.
© 2010
Gerald Iaquinta.
Golden Nugget Library's Nevada County Biographies