Nevada County









            James H. Hennessey is the proprietor of the Empire Livery & Feed Stable and is one of the popular residents of Nevada City, for his genial manner renders him a favorite with all classes.  He is a native of the Emerald Isle, where his birth occurred on the 23rd of May, 1834.  He is descended from a family of wealth and education, its male representatives being prominent merchants of Dublin and owners of a line of vessels sailing between New York and the Irish capital.  His parents were William and Mary (Mar) Hennessey, the former a native of the city of Dublin and the latter of Queens County, Ireland.  In their family were six children, our subject being the youngest and only son.  His father died before his birth and the mother’s death occurred two years later, so that James H. Hennessey was early left an orphan.  Several of the children were brought to America in 1843 by a maternal uncle, and our subject spent his boyhood days in New York City.

            During the greater part of his life he has been connected with the livery business, and is therefore an excellent judge of horses.  He gives personal supervision to his stables, knows the condition of every animal to be found therein and looks after the welfare of each.  He came to California in 1868, and for a brief period resided at Grass Valley, but soon afterward made a permanent location in Nevada City.  His barns are located on Broad Street, opposite the National Hotel, and there fashionable turnouts may be secured at reasonable rates.  He is very accommodating and courteous and is always pleasant in manner, and has secured from the public a liberal patronage, which he well merits.

            Mr. Hennessey gives his political support to the Democracy, and is unswerving in his advocacy of its principles.  He is also an earnest supporter of Catholicism, and takes an active interest in every measure that is calculated to promote the best interests of his city and county.  He is light-hearted, generous to a fault and gives freely and willingly to all in need of assistance.  Perhaps he is sometimes imposed upon by reason of this quality in his nature, but he never errs on the other side by withholding his aid when it is needed.  His many excellent characteristics have gained him a large circle of friends, and few men in the community are more widely known than James H. Hennessey.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Page 404. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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