Nevada County









            George A. Gray, an undertaker and embalmer of Nevada City, was born in Nevada County on the 18th of May, 1853.  His father, John H. Gray, was a native of New York and a representative of the fourth generation of the family in America.  Prior to that time his ancestors lived in England.  In 1850, when the tide of emigration was carrying many eastern men to the Pacific coast, he came to California and for some time was engaged in farming in Solano County, whence he came to Nevada County in 1851, devoting his energies to agricultural pursuits and in mining in this locality.  August 28, 1852, he married Miss Eliza J. Jenkins, who was born in Wisconsin July 6, 1834.  Her parents resided in Cornwall, England, and in the early ‘30s came to the United States, settling in Wisconsin.  Mr. and Mrs. Gray became the parents of five children, all born in Nevada County.  The father died June 4, 1897, and the mother is living in San Francisco. 

            George A. Gray, the eldest of the family, was reared and educated in the place of his nativity, and in 1880 established the undertaking business, which he has since successfully carried on, having a well equipped establishment and carrying an excellent line of goods.  He has also served his fellow townsmen in public office, having been elected county coroner in 1889 for a two-year term.  At this writing he is serving as deputy coroner under Henry Daniels.  He has also served for two terms as the city treasurer, retiring from that office in 1894.

            On the 24th of November, 1895, Mr. Gray led to the marriage altar Miss Ida C. Young, of Washington, Guernsey County, Ohio, a daughter of William Young, who came to California in the latter part of the ‘50s.  They have three children:  Earl V., Clarence R. and Elsie E.  Mr. Gray is identified with both the subordinate lodge and encampment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, has filled all of the local offices and is past district deputy.  He is a charter member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, in which he has served in many official capacities, and is a member of the N. S. G. W., Hydraulic Parlor.  He is also a member of Nevada Lodge, No. 13, A. F. & A. M.  In politics he is an earnest Republican, deeply interested in the success of the party.  He is a man of most genuine worth, whose courtesy is unfailing and whose integrity is above questions.  Without ostentation or any desire for place, he has labored most earnestly for the welfare of Nevada City, and his efforts have rebounded to its credit and benefit.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 349-350. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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