Nevada County









            Joseph Hannibal Gassaway is the proprietor of the Excelsior Dairy, of Grass Valley, and the success he has achieved has been won as a result of the improvement of the opportunities which surrounded him.  He is one of California’s native sons, his birth having occurred in Nevada County September 22, 1863.  His father, James Gassaway, was born in Kentucky, but the family is of Welsh lineage, the original American ancestors having come from Wales with Lord Baltimore.  James Gassaway was a carpenter by trade.  In 1857 he crossed the plains to California, locating in Nevada County, where he followed farming and mining, meeting with very desirable success in the latter undertaking.  His death occurred in 1883.  Before leaving the state of his nativity he was united in marriage to Miss Olevia Gassaway, who also was a native of Kentucky but was not related to him through family ties.  They became the parents of seven children, Joseph H. being the third in order of birth.

            In the public schools of Nevada County Mr. Gassaway, of this review, became familiar with the branches of English learning which fit one for the practical duties of life.  He laid aside his textbooks in 1881, and then became connected with the dairy business, with which he was familiar from boyhood, his father being the owner of a farm.  At this writing Mr. Gassaway has charge of the Huntley ranch, three miles west of Grass Valley, which he is operating under lease.  He milks forty-two cows and sells milk and cream to the residents of Grass Valley and the people of that vicinity.  His business is now extensive and brings to him a good income.  From 1889 to 1893 he was actively engaged in mining, filling the position of foreman of the old Pennsylvania mine during that period.

            Mr. Gassaway was united in marriage in 1893 to Miss Annie S. Harry, a native of Nevada County and a daughter of Alexander E. Harry, a native of Cornwall, England.  They have two children living, Reta and Katie, and have also lost two daughters.  Mr. Gassaway is a valued member of the Ancient Order of Foresters, the Knights of Honor, and Independent Order of Odd Fellows; and politically is a Republican, but has never sought or desired office, preferring to give his time and attention to his business interests, with which he has met with creditable success.  By perseverance, determination and honorable effort he has overthrown the obstacles which barred his path and has reached the goal of prosperity.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 295-296. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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