Nevada County










            A resident of Superior, California, from early childhood, Thomas S. Ford figured prominently in public affairs as well as along professional lines in Nevada County, and left the impress of his individuality upon the early development and later progress and improvement of his portion of the State.  Born at Roxbury, Mass., he came to California at the age of eleven, in 1861, and was raised in Illinoistown, near Colfax, Placer County.  He later resided in Carson, Nevada, and then came to Truckee, California, and there studied law with C. F. McGlashan.  He also attended Benicia College at Benicia, California.

            Coming to Nevada City in December, 1882, Mr. Ford engaged in his profession and practiced law there until his death on August 2, 1910.  He was elected district attorney of Nevada County on two separate occasions and held that office at the time of his death.  Always very prominent and active in public affairs, he had much to do with the shaping of municipal history during his lifetime, and his aid and cooperation were given in behalf of the principles in which he believed, gaining the respect and esteem of all who knew him or came in contact with his fine personality.  In the exercise of his professional duties, and those of the public office he so efficiently filled, his life proved of the utmost value to his fellow men.  Mr. Ford was a Mason of long standing, and an Elk, a charter member of Nevada City Lodge No. 538.

            The marriage of Mr. Ford, which occurred on August 8, 1883, united him with Miss Sallie Hill, a native of Nevada County, and four children were born to them:  Gladys, wife of Charles G. Bowen; Wilse, wife of H. W. Robinson; Bressingham, and Savory.

            Mrs. Ford is the daughter and only child of C. Wilson and Mariah A. (Cross) Hill, the former a native of Williamsport, Md., and the latter of Baltimore, that state.  C. Wilson Hill was a Forty-niner, coming to California around the Horn, and was an attorney of the pioneer days in Nevada City.  He died at the untimely age of thirty-seven years.  His wife, also now deceased, resided in the same house in Nevada City for over sixty years; she came to California in 1852.  Fraternally Mr. Hill was a Mason.     





Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “History of Placer & Nevada Counties, California”, by W. B. Lardner & M. J. Brock. Page 464. Historic Record Co., Los Angeles 1924.

© 2013  V. Gerald Iaquinta.





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