Nevada County







                        Henry Daniels is filling the position of coroner of Nevada County and is numbered among the prominent businessmen of Grass Valley, where he is successfully engaged in the furniture trade.  He is one of the worthy citizens that the little Welsh nation has furnished to America and in his life he displays the strong purpose, fidelity and reliability so characteristic of his race.

            Mr. Daniels was born in Wales, October 24, 1856, and is a son of Henry and Mary (Johnson) Daniels, who are still living in the old world.  The father is a farmer by occupation and our subject was reared in that pursuit.  At the age of twenty-two he bade adieu to home and friends and crossed the ocean to the new world, taking up his abode in California.  For a short time he engaged in farming near Marysville and thence came to Grass Valley, where he accepted a clerical position.  Later he purchased the express and jobbing business, which he conducted for nine years, meeting with very creditable success in the undertaking.  On the expiration of that period he established his furniture store on Mill Street, where he carries a large and well selected line of all the latest improved styles of furniture.  He is also conducting an undertaking and embalming business and in both departments receives a liberal patronage.

            In 1888 Mr. Daniels was elected coroner for a term of four years, and for the second time is now filling that position, proving a competent official.  He votes with the Republican Party and is staunch and earnest in his advocacy of its principles.  For several years he has served as a member of the fire department of Grass Valley and does all in his power to promote its welfare and upbuilding.  In fraternal orders he has a wide acquaintance, being identified with the Knights of Honor; Chosen Friends; Knights of Pythias; Rathbone Sisters; the Independent Order of Odd Fellows; the Masonic fraternity, in which he has taken the degrees of the chapter and Eastern Star; the Improved Order of Red Men; the Ancient Order of United Workmen; and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.  His home relations are pleasant, for he was happily married on the 3rd of September, 1884, to Miss Josephine Gill, a native daughter of California, the father, Thomas Gill, being among the pioneers of the state in 1852.  Mr. and Mrs. Daniels now have two interesting children, Ernest and Florence, and they have also lost two, Marguerite and Roy.  Mr. Daniels has lived an honorable and upright life, has won prosperity through determined purposed and indefatigable effort, and at all times has enjoyed the esteem of his fellow men by reason of those sterling qualities of manhood which in every land and every clime awakens admiration and regard.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 458 -459. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.





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