Nevada County








                        John H. Coughlin occupies the position of ticket and freight agent of the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad at Grass Valley, and few persons occupy a higher position in the esteem of the residents of this city than he.  A native of Grass Valley, he was born August 8, 1869, his parents being Daniel and Elizabeth (Butler) Coughlin.  His father, a native of Cork, Ireland, was born November 5, 1827, and became a glass-blower by trade.  Upon attaining his majority he left the Emerald Isle, crossing the Atlantic to America, making his first location in Boston, Massachusetts, where he followed his trade until 1855.  In that year he came to California and has since been a resident of Grass Valley.  In Sacramento he married Miss Butler and they became the parents of five children.

            John H. Coughlin, the fourth in order of birth, spent his boyhood days under the parental roof and pursued his education in his native town.  On leaving the high school he accepted a clerical position in the freight office at the railroad depot and was thus employed until 1890, when he was promoted to ticket and freight agent.  He has thoroughly mastered the business, becoming familiar with all the details, and the patrons of the road find him most courteous and obliging.  He is also engaged in the wholesale mercantile business and has a very liberal patronage along that line.  He is a man of resourceful ability, of executive force and of determined purpose and is well qualified to carry forward the various interests with which he is connected.  In addition to those mentioned he represents the Sacramento Transportation Company for the sale of brick and is also the exclusive county agent for the Utah & Wyoming Coal Company, whose products have a large sale on the market at Grass Valley.

            On the 23rd of April, 1892, Mr. Coughlin was united in marriage to Miss Lillian Hasking, a native of Grass Valley, and a daughter of Thomas Hasking, who was born in England and is now a retired merchant at this place.  Their union is blessed with two children, Frances and Mervin, and they lost one son in infancy.  Theirs is one of the most beautiful homes of the city, being pleasantly located on Bush Street amid attractive surroundings.  The interior decorations and furnishings indicate the culture and refinement of the owner, and the library, well filled with the works of standard authors, attests the literary taste of Mr. and Mrs. Coughlin.  Their home is the center of a cultured society circle and their friends are legion.  Politically Mr. Coughlin is allied with Democracy and is a valued member of the Masonic fraternity, the Eastern Star lodge, the Knights of Pythias and the Ancient Order of United Workmen.  He is also past president of Quartz Parlor, N. S. G. W.  He has been an active member of the fire department of Grass Valley, and is a public-spirited and progressive citizen whose efforts in behalf of the advancement and upbuilding of the town and county have been effective and beneficial.  He has a wide acquaintance throughout this section of the state and is highly respected as a successful businessman of integrity and ability.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 732-733. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.





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