Nevada County








            Among the younger representatives of professional life in Nevada County is Dr. Cecil Corwin, who has achieved success in the practice of dentistry and is now enjoying a liberal and constantly increasing patronage.  The Doctor is a native of Oregon, his birth having occurred in Tillamook County on the 26th of June, 1871.  His father, Samuel Corwin, was a native of Canada, born February 19, 1834, and the ancestors were from Ohio.  They had removed to Canada, but later returned to the United States, locating in Iowa, where Samuel was reared to manhood.  He came to California with the pioneers of 1852, and ten years later removed to Oregon, where he engaged in mining and merchandising.  His death occurred in 1883.  During his residence in Oregon he was united in marriage to Miss Emeline A. Richardson, a native of that state and a daughter of Clayton Richardson, who was one of the first emigrants to that state, taking up his abode there in 1842.  The mother of our subject is still living and now makes her home in Auburn, California.

            Dr. Corwin is the youngest in a family of three children.  He was reared in the Golden state, acquiring the greater part of his education in the public schools of Oakland, where he was graduated in 1886.  After a period of clerical and railroad service with the Central Pacific system he began the study of dentistry in the office and under the direction of Dr. Crechbaum, and was graduated in the dental department of the University of California with the class of 1891.  He practiced his profession in the city of Oakland for seven years and then located in Grass Valley, where he has since secured a large and lucrative patronage.  He is thoroughly conversant with the science of dentistry, and is an expert in the use of its mechanical appliances, so that his labors are crowned with a high degree of success.

            On the 8th of April, 1895, the Doctor was united in marriage to Miss Bessie F. Hall, a native of Alameda County, and a daughter of Alwell R. Hall, of Maine, who came to California in 1853, and has been county assessor of Alameda County for eighteen years.  Dr. and Mrs. Corwin have one child, Cecil M.  Politically Dr. Corwin is an active Republican, and socially he is connected with the American Order of United Workmen of Grass Valley.  For several years he has been a member of the State Dental Association and keeps thoroughly abreast with all the improvements that are being made along professional lines.  He is recognized as one of the prominent and successful citizens of his adopted town, being active in support of all measures which he believes will prove of public benefit.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 811-812. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.





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