Nevada County








            Thomas H. Carr was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, on the 11th of April, 1850, and is now a resident of Nevada City, California.  He is the youngest in a family of eight children born to James and Sarah E. (Donohen) Carr, both natives of Ireland.  The father came to America in 1818, locating in Ohio in 1826, and in 1868 he made the voyage to California by way of the Isthmus route.  He was not long permitted to enjoy his new home, however, his death occurring in 1869.  By occupation he was a farmer.  His wife, long surviving him, passed away in 1893.

            Thomas H. Carr obtained his education in the public schools and was graduated in the normal school of the state.  He was a youth of eighteen when he came with his parents to the Pacific slope.  His boyhood days were spent upon the home farm and he was ever familiar with the work of fields and meadows, but after his arrival in California he engaged in teaching school for twelve years, proving a most capable instructor.  For three years he held the office of deputy county clerk, and later engaged in the drug business for three years.  He was again called to public service by appointment as deputy assessor, in which office he served for four years, and in 1880 he was elected to represent Yuba County in the state legislature, where he took an active part in advocating many measures which have proven of great good to the commonwealth.  He served for one term as justice of the peace, and in 1887 was elected city trustee, which position he has since filled, covering a period of more than twelve consecutive years.  He was also a candidate for secretary of state in 1883, but the Democratic Party met defeat at that time.  For twenty years he has been a member of all the state conventions, and his counsels carry weight in such political organizations.  He now represents several old-time insurance companies and is doing a good business in that way.

            On the 30th of May, 1873, Mr. Carr was united in marriage in Trinity County, California, to Miss Ella M. Husen, of Illinois, a daughter of W. C. Husen, who came to California in an early day.  Their children are:  Leo F., Agnes C., Sadie J., Clarence C, Eugene E., Ernest C. and Lena M., but the last named is now deceased.  Mr. Carr belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Sacramento, to the Hibernians, the Legion of Honor and to the Order of Pendo.  He is a communicant of the Catholic Church.  His public service has been worthy of the highest commendation, for he is ever faithful to his duty and the trust reposed in him.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 812-813. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2011  Gerald Iaquinta.





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