Monterey County













Walter Stoddard Batterman, partner in Del Viento Rancho and Harvest Hill Ranch, Ballico, California, was born June 9, 1897, in Butte, Montana; the son of Christopher S. and Nellie Porter (Sell) Batterman.

            Graduated from the University of California in 1918, receiving his B.S. degree. Then taught agricultural subjects in the Army for one year.

            Mr. Batterman began his career as a foreman on a small ranch. In 1921 he bought land and moved to Delhi, California, where he built up a fruit ranch on the sandy soils of that area. In the struggle with lack of soil fertility the depression of 1932 hit the farms a crippling blow and although he had answers to most of his farming problems he had no more money left to put them into effect. However he continued selling his ideas around and finally secured a bank loan for a trial of his new methods. Results were both striking and profitable. Within ten years he had paid off all of his debts and expanded his plantings. The prosperous fruit area in the Delhi region was due primarily to methods which Mr. Batterman devised. Today he controls a thousand acres, mostly in fruit, nuts and grapes, with a growing proportion irrigated pasture and livestock.

            Mr. Batterman is partner in Del Vento Rancho and Harvest Hill Ranch, Ballico, California. He is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation since 1925; director in the National Farm Loan Association since 1924 and chairman of the Board of the Delhi Unit since 1928, resigning from the organization in 1947; member and director of Merced Production Credit Association; and member of the Advertising Committee of the Cling Peach Control Board.

            Member of the Pioneers of California; Thirty-second Degree Mason, Turlock California Blue Lodge, San Jose Scottish Rite and Oakland Shrines Temple Shrine.

            Mr. Batterman’s first marriage was to Idalene Bray (divorced in 1947). His second marriage was to Mrs. Josephine Stewart (nee Walker of Georgia). They reside in Pebble Beach, California.

            Offices:  P. O. Box 607, Ballico, California.





Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Page 471, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Cecelia M. Setty.






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