Free and Accepted Masons


Organized May 15, 1857


Stated Meetings, First Tuesday in Each Month.






Ryall Clyde Eyerly, 620 N St., Phone 4716 Y

Worshipful Master

William Kinkade Lindsay

Senior Warden

Alfred Budd Oldfield

Junior Warden

Carl William Beaton, P.M.


John Henry Gilpin, P.M., 1416 P St.


Rev. Isaac Dawson


Frederick James Harris

Senior Deacon

Rowland Bernard Reinig

Junior Deacon

Frederick Chesbrow Hunt, P.M.


Louis Gove Barton

Senior Steward

Abraham Bromley Sholl

Junior Steward

Albert Elgin Robinson, P.M.



John William Guthrie



Henry Andrew Senf

Alfred McIntire Braddock

Louis William Matthias



William Baggaley Oldfield










Ahl, Frank Zacheus, 1613 21st St.

Appleton, William Henry, 720 Q St.

Armstrong, John George, 1217 Polk St., S.F.


Barton, Louis Gove, Hotel Regis, 1030 K St.

Beaton, Carl William, P.M., 615 22nd St.

Beech, William Don, P.M., 1434 Bush St., S.F.

Berger, Arnold, 624 K St.

Bicknell, Hilliard Cottingham, 1413 L St.

Bicknell, William Bolcher, 189 9th St., Oakland

Bishop, Arthur Juckes

Bonetti, Celio, Broderick

Book, Edward Weaver, 2911 H St.

Book, Franklin Weaver, 717 29th St.

Bowsher, Amos Luther, 1615 7th St.

Bowsher, Robert Vincent, 1615 7th St.

Boyd, James Madison, 2923 T St.

Braddock, Alfred McIntire, P.M., 1927 L St.

Bradley, James Anderson, 284 Liberty St., S.F.

Brendel, John Philip, 3021 D St.

Buchman, Philip, 1014 28th St.

Burson, Oscar, 1931 N St.

Busick, Charles Ora, 2211 4th Ave.


Carroll, John Francis, H.C. Shaw Co., Stockton

Chapman, John Maurice, P.M., Decoto

Chatfield, Thomas F., 370 Bush St., S. F.

Cooley, Charles James, 717 N St.

Crocker, George Monroe, 2818 I St.


Dawson, Isaac, 2901 Harper St., Berkeley

Doggett, Calhoun Jules, 47 College Ave., S.F.

Druge, Otto Daniel, 3725 2d Ave.

Dunbar, Alexander, 806 I St.


Everly, Ryall Clyde, 620 N St.


Farris, Horace Orland, 3609 5th Ave.

Foss, George Calvin, 1030 Crandall Ave.

Fox, Thomas, P.M., 1502 10th St.

Frieseke, William Frederick, P.M., 2905 F St.


Gillenwaters, Grant Franklin, 1504 U St.

Gilpin, John Henry, P.M., 1416 P St.

Godwin, Thomas, 1731 K St.

Goehring, William August, 2257 52d St.

Green, Charles Fredrick, 1221 L St.

Guth, Charles Joseph, 1516 27th St.

Guthrie, John William, 1416 P St.


Harrell, Albert Marshall, 1321 Octavia St., S. F.

Harris, Frederick James, 3332 J St.

Harris, George J., P.M., 822 14th St.

Harris, William Wesley, 1031 Mariposa Ave., Fresno

Heilbron, Edwin August, 704 O St.

Heilbron, Henry August, P.M., 2025 M St.

Heilbron, Henry Adolph, 1520 7th Ave.

Hery, Robert Leopold, 1431 Q St.

Hevener, William Charles, 1815 K St.

Hunt, Fredrick Chesbro, P.M., Broderick


Inman, Joseph Manning, 700 30th St.

Irvine, William John, 1623 K St.


James, James Merrill, 2811 42nd St.

Johnson, Charles Henry, 818 26th St.

Jordan, Luther Campbell, 1637 Oak St., S.F.


Kehlenbeck, Nicholas George, 1712 14th St.

Korn, Seymour, 805 K St.


Laeremans, Richard Henry, 2006 D St.

Leeper, Thomas Benjamin, Y.M.C.A., City

Lichthardt, George Henry Philip, 1800 M St.

Lindsay, William Kinkade, 1716 N St.

Lorimer, George, 2216 L St.

Lyon, James Francis, P.M., 1314 H St.


Martin, George Washington, 1217 19th St.

Matthias, Louis William, P.M., 2929 X St.

Mattson, Irving Byron, 2817 K St.

Mattson, Melbert Adolph, 2817 K St.

Menke, John, 1615 S St.

Miles, Charles, 1208 P St.

Morris, Chester Culwell, 5435 Wadean Pl., Oakland

Morten, Clarence Sawtelle, 1217 O St.

Morten, John Levi, 821 21st St.


Newman, Oscar Henry, 1014 24th St.


Oldfield, Alfred Budd, 922 23d St.

Oldfield, William Baggaley, P.M., 922 23d St.

Olson, Anders Herman, 1118 7th St.


Payne, Harold, 2627 U St.

Pearl, Fredrick Albert, P.M., 1708 H St.

Perschke, Otto Julius, 335 Larkin St., S.F.

Platt, Philemon Eli, Box 372, Stockton

Pope, Samuel, Jr., 625 15th St.

Poska, Samuel, 626 Buchanan St., S.F.

Props, Joel Lee, 1415 18th St.

Pugh, William Hustin, 626 10th Street


Reinig, Rowland Bernard, 1416 11th St.

Reynolds, George Henry, 2931 J St.

Richards, William, 1829 Morro St., San Luis Obispo

Robinson, Albert Elgin, P.M., 1530 F St.

Ross, Joseph Harry, 818 M St.


Sachs, Otto Frank, 1504 24th St.

Saemann, Carl, 917 28th St.

Sanborn, Alfred Willis, La Hermosa Apts.

Sanderson, Marion, 825 38th St.

Schocke, Chas. August, P.M., 335 Larkin St., S.F.

Schroth, John George, 1521 M St.

Schumacher, George Max, 1217 L St.

Schumacher, Oscar Henry, 1915 Willow, Alameda

Senf, Henry Andrew, P.M., 815 V St.

Shepherd, Geo. Frederick, P.M., 505 22d St.

Sholl, Abraham Bromley, 821 21st St.

Simmonds, Albert Williams, 2005 L St.

Simmonds, William Shapel, 914 12th St.

Simonsen, Carl, 1604 E St.

Smith, Alexander Miller, 1401 P St.

Smith, Charles Freeman, 2231 3d Ave.

Smith, Eli Mitchel, Decoto

Smith, Ernest George, Golden Eagle Hotel

Stahl, Franklin Edwin Earl, P.M., 720 42d St.


Tovelle, Roy Geeting, Los Angeles, Cal.

Tuke, Thomas Frank, 1611 22d St.


Vicary, George Salser, Lima, Ohio

Vorlander, Charles Ewald, 1114 S St.


Wahrhaftig, Moses Solomon, 1611 17th St.

Walrath, Charles Percy, 1527 L St.

Walsh, William, 1512 O St.

Watkins, Richard, P.M., 1909 M St.

Watkins, Richard Malcolm, 2228 L St.

Watson, Thomas Slaid, 3305 4th  St.

Webber, Percy Atherton, Forum Bldg.

Wittenbrock, George Frederick, 1808 J St.

Williams, John Terrens, 3005 42d St.

Wylie, John Wellington, P.M., 1422 10th St.


Yocum, William Kendall, Box 847, Chico

Young, William Henry, 1710 G St.








of Sacramento for 1918.




Wallace H. Renwick, President.

Master Sacramento Lodge, No. 40.

Residence: 520 16th St. Phone M. 1699-Y.

Business: Odd Fellows Temple. Phone M. 2730-Y.


Milton J. Ferguson, Vice-President.

Master Washington Lodge, No. 20.

Residence: 2511 Q St. Phone M. 1392-Y.

Business: State Library. Phone Main 4300.


Richard C. Irvine, Secretary-Treasurer.

Residence: 1900 H St.

Telephone Main 2542-J., or Main 1944.

John A. Brown.

Master Tehama Lodge, No. 3.

Residence: 1828 H St. Phone Main 3304.

Business: Forum Bldg.


Charles T. Nehrbass.

Master Union Lodge, No. 58.

Residence: 2229 P St. Phone Main 3899-R.

Business: 1700 I St. Phone Main 647.


Ryall C. Eyerly.

Master Concord Lodge, No. 117.

Residence: 620 N St. Phone 4716-Y.






The Board is composed of the Masters and Wardens of Lodges holding concurrent jurisdiction in Sacramento, which contribute, but draw nothing,

from the Board, sojourning Master Masons, their widows and orphans, alone being recipients. Money refunded is again given to the needy of the Order.


The Board meets at Masonic Temple on the first Sunday of each month at 11 A.M.


Maintained by all the bodies. Office, Masonic Club.


Members are requested to refuse all applications for assistance, but refer same to some member of the Board.


Masonic Employment Bureau

If in need of help of any kind, ring up

E.C. Hopkins, Secretary.

From 12 M. to 5 P.M.

Telephone Main 1944.











Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor. 

Source: “Roster – Sacramento Masonic Lodges, Sacramento, California.”  1918.

© 2014  Jeanne Sturgis Taylor. 








Sacramento Masonic Lodges Rosters 1918

Golden Nugget Library's Sacramento County

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