John Quincy Brown, one of the original petitioners of Sacramento Lodge was born in Breckenridge County, Kentucky, on June 14, 1829, the son of William Bailey Clark Brown and Susan Alexander (Brown). He received his early education in Kentucky, attending the Mount Marino Seminary, a branch of Beardstown College. Moving with his family to Lafayette County, Missouri in 1844 he worked on a farm for three years and then went to Lexington, Missouri, where he clerked in a store. Early in 1850 John started across the plains to California arriving in Hangtown (now Placerville) on July 27 of that year and commenced mining operations on what was then known as the Georgia Slide in El Dorado County. In October 1850, deciding that more money could be made in other occupations, he left for Sacramento and went into business with the Stanford Brothers. In May, 1852 he was appointed Deputy County Recorder of Sacramento County and in the fall of that year was elected on the Whig platform to this position of Public Administrator and about the same time appointed Notary Public by the Governor. He served as Public Administrator from October 1, 1852 to October 1, 1853. When the Sutter Rifles, a military organization, was formed on June 27, 1852, John was a second lieutenant; becoming a first lieutenant in 1854 and treasurer in 1855. He was also a levee commissioner. In 1853 he married Miss Anna Mary Williams, the daughter of Joel P. Williams, a prominent mining figure of that period. Their two children were a daughter who died at the age of six and John Quincy Brown Jr. His grandson is John Quincy Brown, III, Judge of the Superior Court of the State of California and for the County of Sacramento. In the fall of 1853 he was nominated for County Recorder on the Whig ticket but was defeated. He then accepted appointment as Deputy Sheriff, which position he retained until 1855 when he was elected County Recorder, serving from October 1, 1855 to October 1, 1857.  From 1867 until about 1887, when he moved to San Francisco, he was connected with the gas industry of Sacramento; being president of the Sacramento-Woodland Gaslight Company and Superintendent and Manager of the Sacramento Gas Company. Elected Mayor of Sacramento in March 1881, John Quincy was re-elected in 1884 serving altogether six years in this public service. Records show that as Mayor he performed his duties faithfully and worked earnestly for the progress of Sacramento. In April 1884, appointed one of the Directors of the State Asylum for the insane at Napa, he continued to serve until his death. Upon completing his term as Mayor of Sacramento he moved with his family to San Francisco, having been elected General Manager of the California State Board of Trade, the first to hold that position. He served in that capacity until about 1890 when he accepted a position as Inspector of Gas Meters for the City of San Francisco, which position he was holding at the time of his death. He was one of the original 21 trustees of Leland Stanford Jr.  University and was present at the official opening of that institution. He was also present at the driving of the golden spike in the celebration of the completion of the Central Pacific Railroad at Promintory, Utah, on May 10, 1869. It was his intention to return to Sacramento at the expiration of his term of office as Gas Inspector, as he had property interests here, among which were the Windsor Hotel at 8th and J Streets and a residence property on H Street, but paralysis of the heart caused his death on December 20, 1892. His funeral service was held in the residence of Mrs. C. B. C. Brown, corner of 11th and H Streets, Sacramento, on December 27, 1892 under the auspices of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 and the remains were interred in the City Cemetery. Brother John Quincy Brown was initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason in Washington Lodge No. 20, Sacramento on April 7, 1853, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on May 5, 1853 and raised to the degree of Master Mason on May 26, 1853. After serving as one of the original petitioners of Sacramento Lodge he dimitted from Washington Lodge No. 20 on Jan. 5, 1854. He was the first Secretary of Sacramento Lodge U. D. and the first Junior Deacon of Sacramento Lodge 40. After his death the following resolution was prepared by a committee appointed by the Worshipful Master and adopted at the stated meeting of Feb. 3, 1893. "Whereas it has pleased the Great Architect of the Universe in infinite mercy to remove from our midst our late brother John Q. Brown, one of the original petitioners of this Lodge, and "Whereas we deem it our imperative, although melancholy duty to give an expression of the feelings of deep sorrow produced in our hearts by this sad and afflicting dispensation of the Supreme Grand Master, therefore be it Resolved: that by the death of John Q. Brown we have lost an honorable member and devoted friend, the City of Sacramento, a good and upright citizen, one whose manly and generous disposition won the love and respect of all. Resolved: that we tender to his bereaved and afflicted relations our deepest and most heartfelt sympathy in this their darkest hour of affliction. Resolved: that this preamble and resolutions be spread upon the records of this Lodge and that a copy be sent to the bereaved relations of our late brother."

                                            E. J. CROLY, J. W. BOYD, H. D. NASH, Committee.




Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

© 2007 Sally Kaleta.






Sacramento County