Pages 121-122


Frank GRISWOLD ........................................... 10/26/83 ...................... T -- 5/2/90

James McNASSER ......................................  A -- 2/1/84 ..................... D -- 2/2/94

James NEILSON ..........................................  A -- 3/7/84 ................... D -- 11/6/85

William Albert STEPHENSON ..........................  4/18/84 .......................... 3/19/31

Edwin Carmi HOPKINS, Jr. ..............................  5/30/84 .......................... 10/5/34

        A member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for over 50 yrs., 4 mos.

        Presented with 50 year gold button 6/12/34

Arthur Lambard NICHOLS .................................. 6/3/84 ........................... 8/27/19

John Peter JUST .......................................... A -- 7/4/84 ............................. 9/1/01

Henry Ide WILLEY .............................................. 6/6/84 ...................  D -- 11/5/09

Calvin Fletcher WILLIAMS ........................... A -- 8/1/84 ...................  T -- 12/1/99

William SCHAW ............................................ A -- 9/4/84 .......................  12/31/21

John Pemper BROWN .................................. A -- 8/7/85 ……..................  12/9/25

Josiah Perkins BROWN .............................. A -- 10/2/85 ..................  D -- 11/7/90

       Master Gravel Range Lodge No. 59, Camptonville, Cal.

       1860, 1872 -3-4-5-6-7-8-9-80

George Washington SHOEMAKER ............. A -- 11/6/85 ..........................  4/3/93

Wilbur Forest GEORGE .................................... 11/27/85 .................... D -- 5/4/06

Thomas Hibbard WHITE ................................ A -- 5/7/86 ...................  D -- 3/4/98

Charles Asberry JENKINS ............................. A -- 5/7/86 .................... D -- 2/3/93

Matthew Drysdale STORN .................................... 6/4/86 ........................... 8/4/04

Louis Martin SCHWOERER ........................... A -- 6/4/86 ......................... 7/11/37

         A Master Masonn for nearly 54 yrs., 2 mos.

         A member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for over 51 yrs., 1 mo.

         Presented with 50 year gold button 9/29/33

Frank Edward CAMDEN ..................................... 8/27/86 .................... T -- 2/5/92

George Ernest August DIERSSEN ..................... 2/11/87 ......................... 2/11/08

William Kip COTHRIN ......................................... 5/27/87 ......................... 8/30/11

Charles ROBIN ................................................... 6/17/87 ......................... 3/17/99

Daniel Joseph BROOKS ................................ A -- 7/1/87 ......................... 2/25/96

David Calvin KIMBERLY .............................  A -- 12/2/87 …….................. 3/23/02

Warren Pierson DICKSON .................................  4/27/88 .................... D -- 3/2/89

Thomas Cross POCKMAN ............................. A -- 5/4/88 .................. D -- 12/2/92

Evert Wilbern HALE ............................................ 5/25/88 ........................... 3/4/14

John Wesley REEVES ........................................ 5/31/88 ....................... 10/20/26

Marshall HALE Jr. ................................................  6/8/88 ......................... 11/3/45

        A member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for nearly 57 yrs., 5 mos.

        Presented with 50 year gold button 11/18/38

Martin Luther HAMMER .....................................  7/13/88 ....................... 10/20/02

Sidney Algernon HOWELL ............................  A -- 8/3/88 ........................  4/18/98

Joseph BURDICK ........................................  A -- 11/2/88 .......................  1/20/31

       A Master Mason for over 57 yrs., 11 mos.

       Presented with 50 year gold button 1930

Adam ANDREW ................................................  11/30/88 .........................  4/9/41

       A Member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for over 52 years, 4 mos.

       Presented with 50 year gold button, 12/22/88

Albert C. SHAW ........................................... A -- 1/4/89 ....................... T -- 1/6/93

Harry Wells KELLOG ..................................  A -- 1/4/89 ...................... D -- 1/1/97

William Frederick WIARD ............................  A -- 1/4/89 ............................ 7/9/08

       Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1895.

Albert H. BORCHERT .................................. A -- 3/2/89 .....................  T -- 1/6/93

Duncan GRANT ........................................... A -- 4/5/89 ........................  12/24/40

       A member Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for nearly 51 yrs., 9 mos.

       A Master Mason for nearly 63 years

       Presented with 50 year gold button 2/26/32

Benjamin Norton BUGBEY ........................... A -- 4/5/89 .......................  11/19/14

       Master Latrobe Lodge No. 189, 1867-8

Joseph Eli MAYO .........................................  A -- 5/3/89 .......................... 3/25/29

John Addison READ ....................................  A -- 5/3/89 ............................ 3/6/25

Wilber Mark HATCH .........................................  5/31/89 .........................  3/18/26

Charles August LUHRS ......................................  6/7/89   .......................  1/25/06

Arthur Byron SANBORN ........................... . A -- 10/4/89 ..................... D -- 8/4/05

Max Edward HORNLEIN .......................... ……. 4/23/90 .........................  8/17/26

Hugo August HORNLIEN ..................................  4/25/90 .........................  12/9/32

Urban Clark BILLINGSLEY ...........................  A-- 5/2/90 ....................  T -- 7/3/96

Anthony Byrd HUMPHREY ........................... A -- 8/1/90 ........................ 10/30/39

        A Master Mason for nearly 51 yrs., 1 mo.

        Presented with 50 year gold button 10/9/39

William Henry DIXON ...................................  A -- 9/5/90 …...................... 9/24/05

Clive William PORTER ...............................  A -- 10/3/90 ............................ 2/2/18

Melancthon John CURTIS ..........................  A -- 10/3/90 ..........................  2/2/13

        Master Silver Urn Lodge No. 234, Malvern, Iowa, 1883-4-5

James Fleming DENHAM .............................  A -- 1/2/91 ................... T -- 12/7/06

David FARR .......................................................  5/22/91 ........................  11/1/36

William Walter BASSETT ...................................  5/29/91 ......................... 12/6/26

John Emmett BURKE .......................................  10/29/91 …..................... 6/18/94

Reuben Brooks HALE ......................................  10/30/91 ......................... 11/2/50

       A Member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for over 59 years

       Presented with 50 yr. gold button 11/7/41

John Kennedy GRINTON ..............................  A -- 5/6/92 .................... D -- 4/2/97



Pages 123-124


George William HAYES ......................................... 6/10/92 .................... 12/16/06

Cephas Charles OLNEY ................................... A -- 7/1/92 ...................... 3/18/10

Joseph GUTH, Jr. ................................................ 11/29/92 ……................. 9/3/37

Henry Job DARLING ........................................... 12/30/92 ................ T -- 11/3/16

John Newell BLAIR .............................................. 12/30/92 ….................. 2/18/39

        Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1897

James CROLY .................................................. A -- 3/3/93 ............... D -- 11/6/03

Joseph Wilcoxson HUGHES ................................... 4/7/93 ....................... 3/24/14

       Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1896

Joseph APPLETON .......................................... A -- 4/7/93 ...................... 1/13/03

Caleb M. JUDKINS ........................................... A -- 7/7/93 ...................... 2/17/95

Richard VAUGHAN ........................................... A -- 8/4/93 ...................... 2/16/45

      A member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for over 51 yrs., 6 mos.

      Presented with 50 year gold button 12/26/31.

Perry Evert JONES .................................................. 8/4/93 ...................... 1/25/32

William John MADISON .................................... A -- 2/2/94 ...................... 6/26/36

William Domer SHONEFELT ............................ A -- 5/4/94 ...................... 3/30/42

      A Master Mason for nearly 58 years.

      Left an estate of $2,025.57 to Sacramento Lodge No. 40.

John Alexander MACDONALD .......................... A -- 5/4/94 ............... T -- 12/7/06

James Franklin LUCAS ........................................ 11/16/94 ……................ 1/9/43

John Reudy .......................................................... 11/21/94 ….................. 3/15/16

Jacob Philip MOLTER .......................................... 11/23/94 .................... 11/11/35

James Buchanan GIFFEN .................................,,,,, 4/26/95 ..................... 6/11/36

      Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1898.

      Secretary Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 12/27/1900 to 12/27/05

George Harvey CLARK ........................................... 5/10/95 ..................... 11/7/23

Charles Wardle MORTON ....................................... 6/14/95 .................. 12/30/42

John Albert GREEN ................................................. 7/12/95 ...................... 5/7/21

Richard Blight PRIDEAUX ....................................... 7/19/95 .................... 5/28/29

      Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1900

Charles Wesley FRAZIER ...................................... 10/18.95 ................... 6/18/39

      Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1899

Harris WEINSTOCK ................................................. 11/8/95 .................... 8/22/22

William C. WARREN ............................................ A -- 2/7/96 ..................... 6/9/08

George Sumner BRAND ........................................... 2/21/96 ..................... 3/2/42

James Haven POND ................................................. 2/28/96 ............ D -- 12/2/04

George DUNN ....................................................... A -- 3/6/96 .................. 6/21/35

      A Master Mason for over 63 years, 3 months.

      Presented with 50 year gold button, 12/26/31

      Tiler Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1910 to 1924

Frederick GUNDRUM ............................................. A -- 6/5/96 ........... D -- 9/2/98

Charles Russell STUBBS ............................................ 7/24/96 ................ 3/24/96

Edmund Mansfield ATKINSON .................................... 7/25/96 .

      Raised by his father Edmund Clement Atkinson, Past Master of Sacramento Lodge No. and Past Grand Master, California.

      Secretary Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 6/14/98 to 12/27/99

      Presented with 50 year gold button Oct. 4, 1946

Duncan McLEAN .............................................. A -- 10/2/96 ............... 8/13/45

     A Master Mason for over 51 years and 6 months

     Presented with 50 year gold Button 1944

Alexander KYLE ............................................... A -- 10/2/96 ............... 4/18/52

     A Master Mason for over 63 years and 7 months

     Presented with 50 year gold button 3/3/39

William Edward KLEINSORGE ............................. 10/15/96

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1901

     Presented with 50 year gold button 11/1/46

Henry Emil KLEINSORGE, Sr. .............................. 10/16/96 .................... 9/27/36

Harry Montfort CARROLL ..............................,,,,,,,, 12/18/96   

     Presented with 50 year gold button, 1/3/47

Foster Lincoln ATKINSON ..................................... 12/22/96 ….................. 7/2/45

Alfred OLSON .......................................................... 5/21/97 .................... 1/31/06

Charles Calley PERKINS ..................... ................... 6/11/97 ...................... 9/3/33

Charles Lourin BRAGG ......................... .................. 9/28/98 .................... 5/24/50

      Presented with 50 year gold button, 1948

      A member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for nearly 51 years, 8 months

Charles William ILGNER .............................,,,,,,,,,,.. 10/21/98 ................... 5/24/51

      Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1903

      Presented with 50 year gold button 11/5/48

      A member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for 52 years, 7 months

Benjamin Norman RIDEOUT ................................ A -- 1/6/99 .................... 6/7/39

Arthur McArthur SEYMOUR ...................................... 2/24/99 .................. 1/30/19

      Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1902

Julian Workman JOHNSON .................................. A -- 3/3/99 .................. 9/27/28

Frank J. BIDWELL ...................................................... 3/31/99 ................... 3/9/18

      Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1904

Marshall Rowles BEARD ....................................... A -- 4/7/99 ................. 9/29/13

Samuel Warder McKIM ................................................ 6/9/9..................... 1/12/37

Harry THORP ........................................................... 6/12/99 .................... 9/14/20

Charles Edward PHIPPS ........ ................................. 6/16/99 ................... 1/13/46

Joseph William JOHNSON ....... ............................... 6/23/99 ................... 7/26/34

Charles Smith PEPPER ............................................ 6/30/99 ..................... 8/5/09

James Glasby CAMP ................................................ 8/18/99 ................... 8/31/31

John Leslie RUSSELL ............................................... 12/8/99 .................. 5/14/45


Pages 125-127


Harley Howard STEPHENSON ...........................12/15/99 ……................ 1/22/36

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1905

William Wallace MOTT, Sr. ............................... 3/30/1900 ……................ 3/10/18

    Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1907

Joseph William SAUNDERS ......................... A -- 4/6/1900 ………….......... 3/6/29

William Edwin VAUGHAN ............................. A -- 5/4/1900 ................. T -- 4/2/15

Robert Dryden FINNIE .................................. A -- 5/4/1900 ...................... 1/22/52

    Presented with 50 year gold button 2/17/39

    A member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for nearly 51 years, 9 months

    A Master Mason for approximately 66 years

Robert Bruce STEVENSON .............................. 5/11/1900 …….......... D -- 1/7/27

Arthur Eugene MILLER ....................................... 6/8/1900 ……................ 12/6/38

John Wesley JOHNSTON ............................ A -- 7/6/1900 ……........ W -- 12/7/23

John Hillis LIGGETT ....................................... 11/30/1900 ..................... 11/12/04

George William LANE ..................................... 12/10/1900 ……........... T -- 7/6/17

Oscar Francis OLSEN ..................................... 12/14/1900 ……….............. 4/7/41

Dwight Henry MILLER ........................................... 4/12/01 ……........... T -- 4/1/27

Albert Frederick KLEINSORGE ............................. 6/21/01 ...................... 4/21/48

Joseph Maurice ANDERSON ................................ 6/22/01 ...................... 12/2/28

Charles Augustus WEBB ................................ A -- 10/4/01 …................... 3/10/03

John Holmes GREEN .......................................... 12/13/01 ...................... 3/31/14

Herbert Augustus FAIRBANK .............................. 12/20/01 ................. D -- 1/6/22

George Albert HOLMES, Sr. .................................. 2/20/02

       Presented with 50 year gold button, 3/7/52

Frank TADE ........................................................... 5/30/02 ........................ 9/3/41

      Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1906

      Treasurer Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 6/6/19 to 9/3/41

Edward Adolph WEIL ........................................ A -- 8/1/02 ……............... 2/17/39

Isaac CHRISTIE ................................................... 11/14/02 …….............. 3/19/52

     A member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40 for 49 years, 4 months

Frank Jacob QUIRIN ............................................ 11/21/02 ........................ 7/2/32

Louie Ernest Clark JORDAN ................................ 11/28/02 …….......... T -- 7/1/27

Frank HARKNESS .............................. ................. 12/19/02 ................... 12/12/41

Thomas Anderson SMITH ..................................... 12/26/02 ……............. 2/13/04

William Wallace MOTT, Jr. ...................................... 3/27/03 ……............. 8/27/42

Charles Henry BRUSCH .......................................... 5/30/03 ....................        -08

George Nesbitt COOK Sr. ........................................ 5/30/03

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1909

     Presented with 50 year gold button 6/5/53

Earl Davis CHARTER ............................................... 5/30/03 …….......... 12/13/18

Ammon CLAY ........................................................... 5/30/03 ................... 3/29/13

Frank Freeman ATKINSON ...................................... 6/18/03 ................... 2/18/47

William Henry LARKIN .............................................. 6/19/03 ................. 10/23/21

Austin Daniel WILLIAMS ........................................... 6/26/03

     Presented with 50 year gold button, 7/1/53

Charles Tyler BLAKE ............................................ A -- 7/3/93 ……...... E -- 8/5/10

Charles James MATHEWS ........................................ 7/17/03 ….............. 5/21/36

Harry Sinclair SUMMERS .......................................... 7/24/03 ……...... D -- 9/1/10

William Albert CURTIS ............................................... 9/25/03 ................ 12/27/14

Hugh Roland BATES ................................................ 10/24/03 ……............ 4/8/13

Ezra Schoales FOWLER .......................................... 10/24/03 ............T -- 11/3/16

George Combs BASSETT ........................................ 10/28/03

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1908

Ernest Martin HOEN ................................................... 11/3/03 ……............ 1/8/14

Frederick Walton Winston MILLER ........................... 11/27/03 ……..... D -- 8/6/20

George Ashley CAPEN ........................................ A -- 12/4/03 ...........D -- 12/7/34

John David FRASER .................................................. 2/19/04 …….......... 2/28/50

Herbert Alfred James READ ....................................... 2/26/04 ……..... D -- 3/4/21

Paul OAKLEY ............................................................. 5/13/04 .…….. D -- 10/6/05

Archibald Marison MULL, Sr. ...................................... 5/20/04 ……..... T -- 8/2/29

Gustav Adolph WENDT .............................................. 5/27/04 ……............ 9/3/25

Charles Joshua ELLIS ................................................ 6/10/04 ……........ 10/19/26

Eugene Noyes STEVENS ........................................... 6/17/04 ……........... 7/8/35

Walter Lowell McDONALD ............................................ 9/9/04 ............... 10/15/51

William Julius MAEHN ................................................. 9/23/04

Harry Anthony SMITH ................................................ 11/11/04 ................ 1/16/15

Ruel Holloway WAGGONER ................................. A -- 12/2/04 ……........ 8/30/27

       Master Yuba Lodge No. 39, Marysville, 1895

Nicholas Joseph HULLIN Sr. ........................................ 12/9/04 ............... 2/25/24

      Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1910

Charles Angelo McKELVEY ......................................... 1/27/05 ……... D -- 7/6/06

James MORRIS ........................................................... 2/17/05 …….. E -- 12/2/10

Earl Rolph MORGAN ................................................... 3/10/05 ………. T -- 7/3/31

John Trever BARMBY .................................................. 3/24/05

William Edward APPLETON ........................................ 3/31/05 .................. 7/5/45

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1912

Delos Sumner WATKINS ............................................. 4/14/05 ……........... 4/3/44

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1911

Cornelius Philander BANDY ........................................... 6/9/05 ……...... 12/27/16

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1913

Alfred Lafayette FISH .................................................... 8/18/05 .......... D -- 1/7/27

Walter Wynkoop EVERETT ........................................... 8/25/05 …….T -- 7/11/13

Edward MORRIS .......................................................... 10/20/05 …….... 12/19/18

James CRAIG ............................................................... 11/24/05 ……D -- 9/10/12

Davis N. WOODRUFF .................................................... 12/8/05 ............. 3/23/42

William Edmond NEWBERT ........................................... 1/26/08 ............. 8/28/44

Charles Martin BASLER ................................................. 5/11/06 ............. 5/29/39

Lewes Walter Roy BOWDEN ......................................... 8/31/06 ....... D -- 12/_/15

      Master Argonaut Lodge No. 461, San Francisco, 1919

Clarence Todd CLARK ................................................... 9/14/06 ........ D -- 4/6/34

James "R" COLEMAN .................................................. 10/12/06 ....... T -- 10/1/09

Franklin Wilcox PARKER ............................................... 4/26/07 ......... D -- 8/7/42

Mark Horace RAYNSFORD ........................................... 5/10/07 ....... D -- 1/21/21

     Master Capital City Lodge No. 499, 1922

Cyrus Harry RAYNSFORD ............................................ 5/17/07 .............. 1/16/35

Allyn Lord BURR ............................................................ 5/21/07 …............ 7/4/50

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1916

Joseph Hardin STEPHENS ........................................... 5/24/07 .............. 2/20/46

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1914

George Foster BEARD ............................................. A -- 6/7/07

Homer Elmer CRABB .............................. ………..... A -- 6/7/07 ................. 9/5/24

Joseph Walter JUDD ..................................................... 8/30/07

William Augustus RHODEN .......................................... 9/13/07 ........ D -- 11/6/25

Julian Fontaine JOHNSON ........................................... 9/27/07

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1915

Augustus GERLACH ..................................................... 11/8/07 ............... 12/4/09

Eugene Lowell ILGNER ................................................. 3/27/08 …............ 5/7/45

    Raised by his brother, Charles William ILGNER, Past Master of Sac.

    Lodge No. 40

Charles Thomas HILLS .............................................. A -- 5/1/08 ............... 6/1/24

Harry Alexander HENDREN ........................................... 6/26/08 ............. 7/14/53

Claudius Carroll RICHARDS ...................................... A -- 3/4/10 ............. 1/17/17

    Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1917. Died in office.

Frank Philip BRENDEL ................................................... 2/17/12 ............. 5/24/36

Henry Walter PETERSEN ............................................... 3/29/12 ............. 4/26/42

Spencer Percival ELLIOTT .............................................. 4/26/12 ............ 5/23/37

Martin Albert BASLER ..................................................... 5/10/12 ............ 2/27/46

     Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1919


Pages 128-130




Russell Lowell COLEMAN ................................. 5/17/12 ......................T -- 7/3/31

William Irving ELLIOTT ...................................... 5/24/12 …...................... 2/10/38

Douglas Carlton HOWARD ........................... A -- 7/5/12 …................. D -- 6/8/14

Ralph Leslie SKINNER ...................................... 7/12/12

         Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1917

Charles Wilbur GRIFFITH .................................. 7/25/12 ..................... T -- 6/6/24

William Powell SWAIN ................................. A -- 12/6/12 ……….............. 10/6/35

William Weston JOHNSTONE .......................... 12/13/12 .................... T -- 7/6/51

William Wylie GILMORE ................................... 12/20/12

Daniel Dilts STRYKER ........................................ 6/20/13 ........................... 9/7/25

Harry Corydon WEST ........................................ 12/26/13

Roy Whiteford BLAIR ...................................... A -- 1/2/14

Medcalf Thomas JONES ................................. A -- 2/6/14 ………............... 2/2/22

Robert William BLAIR ...................................... A -- 3/6/14 …............... D -- 5/3/29

William Virgil COWAN ...................................... A -- 4/3/14

Daniel Webster FELKER ........................................ 5/8/14 ......................... 5/3/21

Walter POLAND .................................................... 5/15/14

Harold Hugh Robinson Sr. .................................... 5/22/14

Wallace Hiram RENWICK ..................................... 5/22/14 …..................... 1/7/46

       Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1918

       Secretary Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1920 to 1925

Arthur Frederick HENNING ................................... 5/22/14

      Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1920

Oree Vest CALLAWAY .......................................... 5/22/14

George Lee CASON .............................................. 6/12/11 ................... 11/24/39

Horace Williams CONGER ............................... A -- 8/7/14 .................. T -- 7/2/26

James Wesley HOWARD ................................. A -- 9/4/11

      Presented with 50 year gold button May 6, 1949

James Cleveland McMANUS ............................... 10/23/14 .................... 10/27/18

Claude Eugene FOOTE ....................................... 10/30/14

William Paul LAIS ................................................... 11/6/14

Floyd MORRIS ...................................................... 11/13/14

Thomas Shields DeHAVEN …............................... 11/20/14 ................... 11/19/18

Claude Marston COFFING .................................... 11/25/14

Timothy Franklin HORNING .................................. 11/27/14

Eugene Hiram PITTS .......................................... A -- 2/5/15 ….................  5/1/44

August Wilhelm LINDBERG ................................ A -- 2/5/15 .................. 11/18/36

James Livingstone EMIGH Sr. ............................. A -- 3/5/15 ................... 7/24/31

George Ellis RUGG .......................................... ... A -- 4/2/15 …............... 6/20/27

Ernest Leroy YOUNG ................................................ 4/23/15 .................. 9/16/38

Benjamin Franklin Van DYKE ............................... A -- 5/7/15

Robert ROBINSON ................................................ 5/21/15 ................ T -- 8/2/29

William Benjamin ROHL ......................................... 6/25/15 ..................... 4/29/44

Frank Ridgley NEWMAN .......................................... 7/9/15

Thomas McCULLY .................................................. 7/16/15 ...................... 7/2/24

Albert William BARBER ........................................... 9/17/15

Clement Frederick DIXON ....................................... 9/24/15

Ralph William SMITH ........................................ A -- 10/1/15 ............... D -- 8/3/34

Walter Edward PLANK ............................................. 10/2/15 ............... D -- 1/6/22

Gustave WILSON ..................................................... 10/8/15

Edgar Allen ASHCRAFT ......................................... 10/30/15

Newell Roth BLAIR ................................................. 11/19/15

        Raised by his father, John Newell Blair, Past Master of

        Sacramento Lodge No. 40

Hamilton James LAWRIE ........................................ 11/26/15 ............ D -- 3/5/20

Ralph Eaton HILL .................................................... 11/26/15

        Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1921

Henry Charles JOHNSON ................................... A -- 12/3/15 ............ D -- 3/7/24

Fred Hiram BERDEEN ............................................. 12/17/15 ............... 12/22/39

Spence John DICKSON ........................................... 12/17/15 ............ T -- 8/2/29

Henry Edwin MARVIN ................................................ 1/21/16 ................. 1/12/30

Clarence Hugh MILLER ............................................. 2/18/16

George Albert SPENCER .......................................... 2/18/16

Paul Adrian BAUER ................................................. ..4/14/16 ........... D -- 11/5/20

Lemuel Oscar LUMRY ............................................... 4/17/16

Loucien Garton BRAYTON ........................................ 4/21/16 .................. 3/20/51

Henry R. BROWN ...................................................... 5/26/16 .......... W -- 12/7/23

       Master Warren G. Harding Lodge No. 579, 1923-4

R. J. CLARK ............................................................... 6/29/16 ............. D -- 4/4/30

Leslie Thomas SHOWLER ......................................... 6/29/16 ............... 11/13/18

Charles Hiram HANNUM ....................................... A -- 7/7/16 ….............. 12/5/26

John KOHLES ............................................................ 7/14/16 .................. 12/6/21

Franklin Addison MORAST ........................................ 7/14/16 .................... 9/8/41

George John HENLE Jr. ............................................. 7/21/16

Benjamin Howard MARSH ......................................... 7/21/16 .................. 12/2/38

George Collis HICKINGBOTHAM .............................. 7/28/16

Frank Veach MAYO ................................................... 7/29/16.............. D -- 1/3/19

Edward Stratton JONES ............................................ 8/18/16 ................ 11/13/51

Charles Henry MAUERHAN ....................................... 8/31/16 .......... D -- 5/10/17

Charles Henry WIXSON ........................................ A -- 9/1/13 ….............. 8/14/37

       Master Atkinson Lodge No. 164, Atkinson, Neb., 1889-9

       Presented with 50 year gold button 4/2/37

       A Master Mason for over 50 years, and 7 mos.

Donald Harvey ARMSTRONG .................................... 9/2/16 .............. T -- 7/1/32

George Washington BARR ....................................... 10/6/16

Hans Andreas DAAE ............................................... 10/20/16 .................. 1/29/40

Garrett Gillis DOTY .................................................. 11/10/16 …................ 5/7/33

Gustav Henry WENDT ............................................. 11/18/16 ................. 2/12/52

Arthur Matt SCHROTH ............................................ 12/15/16

Harry Andrew HAMILTON ....................................... 12/22/16 .................. 3/12/24

Charles Leslie SWANTON ...................................... 12/29/16

James Somerville DEAN ...................................... A -- 1/5/17

George Thomas ANDREWS ................................ A -- 4/6/17 …............... 11/_/20

Harry Albert HANSON ............................................... 5/11/17

John Llewellyn DAVIS ............................................... 5/18/17 ................... 1/22/47

George Noble HAMMOND ........................................ 5/18/17

Jake HARWITZ ......................................................... .5/25/17

James Houston FAIRBAIRN ................................. ….5/25/17

William Harold TRAINER ........................................... 5/26/17 ............... 12/10/34

James Van LOGAN ..................................................... 6/8/17 ................ 12/16/44

Samuel LOVICH ........................................................ 6/15/17 ............. T -- 4/1/27

Henry SPRING .......................................................... 8/10/17

Leslie Evans STONE ................................................ 8/31/17 ................... 2/24/51

George James RAU .................................................. 9/21/17 ................... 1/21/19

       Raised by his father George Charles Rau, Past Master of Georgetown

       Lodge No. 25, Georgetown, Cal.

Herman Bowman WEAVER ............................... A -- 10/5/17

       Master Sacramento Lodge No. 40, 1922

       Presented with 50 year gold button 3/7/52

James Walter GRAY ............................................... 10/30/17 .................. 6/11/21

William Henry Wallace MILLER .............................. 12/21/17 .................... 2/9/42

Jacob Christian NIELSON ...................................... 12/29/17

William DUPEN ........................................................ 1/18/18

George Alexander HUGHES ............................... A -- 2/1/18 .............. D -- 1/8/43

Ernest Mitchell PRATT ............................................. 2/15/18 .............. T -- 7/7/33





Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

© 2007 Sally Kaleta.






Sacramento County