James Anthony, an original petitioner of Sacramento Lodge, was born at Greencastle, Franklin County, Pa., on Jan. 6, 1824. His early days were spent in Franklin County until the family moved to Baltimore, Maryland. From there he went to St. Louis where he worked as a clerk and reporter for various St. Louis newspapers including The St. Louis Republican a Whig journal and the St. Louis American. At the former he became a close personal friend of Henry Clay. On May 13, 1846 the United States Congress voted and President Polk proclaimed that "by the act of the Republic of Mexico, a state of war exists between that government and the United States," and James Anthony in 1847 resigned his position with the St. Louis newspaper to enlist in Co. C of the O'Fallon Cadets. The war with Mexico ended on Feb. 2, 1848 with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and following his discharge from the army, Anthony embarked from New Orleans on Feb. 2, 1849 on the steamer Galveston for California. He arrived at San Francisco Aug. 30, 1849 on the ship Alexander von Humboldt accompanied by many who were to contribute much to the history of California among whom were C. P. Huntington, Congressman William A. Piper, Isaac E. Davis (not to be confused with Isaac Davis, another of out original petitioners), William P. Henry and Dr. J. F. Morse. From San Francisco, Anthony went directly to the mines on the Tuolumne River and thence to the American River in Placer County, turning to the business of selling supplies to the mines after a six months try at mining with indifferent success. In 1851, disposing of his mercantile business, he came to Sacramento and worked for the Sacramento Union as both bookkeeper and reporter. In May 1853 he entered into partnership with Paul Morrill and Henry W. Larkin under the firm name of "James Anthony & Co.," owners and publishers of the Sacramento Union. Anthony, the senior partner and guiding force, was a Douglas Democrat at the beginning of the Civil War, but when the Republicans took the name Union Party, he went over to that party for the duration and it was largely due to his influence and efforts that California was saved for the Union at the time of the Civil War. Ella Sterling Cummins in her Story of the Files states that although the history of the Sacramento Union began in 1850, the real life of that paper began in 1852 when James Anthony and his associates instituted their fearless and remarkable championship of the common people. She describes Anthony as being a strong man of great boldness and bravery and one loyal to his convictions. On October 23, 1856, he married Mary Josephine Nougues who presented him with seven children, Mary (Mrs. Herbert Folger), James Morrill, Joseph Henry, Alice Maude, Mabel Ewing, Edith Ager, and Harvey (Mrs. Spencer Bishop). His wife was a member of the Colonial Dames of America, passing away July 22. 1917. In 1875, the Sacramento Union was sold to the Sacramento Publishing Company and it became the Record-Union. Anthony then moved to San Francisco and resided there until his passing January 4, 1876. The California State Legislature, being in session at the time, adjourned in honor of his memory. His remains were returned to Sacramento for interment in the City Cemetery. Brother James Anthony was initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason August 2, 1852, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft Jan. 24,1853, and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason Feb. 3, 1853, in Tehama Lodge No. 3 F. & A. M. Sacramento. In July 1853 Bro. Anthony severed his connections with Tehama Lodge No. 3 becoming an original petitioner and member of Sacramento Lodge No. 40, maintaining membership in our Lodge until his passing. 




Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Proofread by Betty Vickroy.

© 2007 Sally Kaleta.






Sacramento County