Los Angeles County








            WALLACE, JAMES SHIELDS, Auditor, Los Angeles, California, was born in Newville, Pennsylvania, September 8, 1873.  His father was William Jackson Wallace and his mother Mary Graham (Shields) Wallace.  Mr. Wallace is a great-grand nephew of Colonel John Wallace and a grandson of the noted United Presbyterian minister, James Shields.  He is a distant relative of the McCormicks of Chicago.  He married, at Los Angeles, California, Miss Bernice Davison, November 16, 1911.

            Mr. Wallace received his early education in the public schools of his home city and later attended the Cumberland Valley State Normal School for one year.  He then entered the Iron City College of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, graduating in April, 1891.

            After leaving school he was engaged as a stenographer and bookkeeper in Pittsburg until 1897, when he accepted a position as assistant manager of the H. W. Johns Manufacturing Co., of Chicago.

            In 1901 Mr. Wallace determined to settle in California, where he engaged in the fruit business for one year.  He then accepted a position as chief accountant for the United Electric, Gas and Power Company of Los Angeles, California, with which organization he remained for approximately one year.  Shortly after this he became associated with the Protective Savings Mutual Building and Loan Association of Los Angeles as the cashier, which position he held until 1906.  From that time up to 1910 he was engaged in the profession of a Public Accountant as the Manager of the The Audit Company of that city.

            Mr. Wallace has since been associated with The United Oil Co., and is also an officer and Director in several other oil companies.

            He is a member of the Los Angeles Athletic Club and Elks Lodge No. 99 of Los Angeles.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 619, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2011 Joyce Rugeroni.