Los Angeles County







STRONG, FRANK R., Real Estate Operator, Los Angeles, California, is a native of San Diego, where he was born January 5, 1871, his parents being Dr. D. W. and Mary A. Strong.

            Like most of the notable men of the country, Mr. Strong’s education was derived from the public schools and business colleges of his native city.

            After leaving school he entered business life at the age of eighteen, as an employe of the famous firm of Easton, Eldridge and Company, in San Diego. He remained with this firm until 1891, when he found himself so well equipped in sagacity that he succeeded to the San Diego business of the firm, and formed a partnership with M. D. Arms under the name of Strong and Arms, meeting with such a degree of success as to encourage him to seek a wider field. With that end in view he removed to Los Angeles in 1895, and formed a partnership with Mr. F. B. Wilde, a former member of the Easton and Eldridge concern, and began business under the style of Wilde and Strong; excellent results attended the career of this firm, which continued until 1900, when Mr. Wilde decided to retire from business activity, and Mr. Strong formed a new partnership with Mr. G. W. Dickinson, who as well had been a San Diegan, and business was continued by the new concern of Strong and Dickinson.

            The new firm at once engaged in subdividing large properties and placing them on the market; they successfully handled in rapid succession eighty such subdivisions.

            Few real estate operators have had more to do with the imperial development of Los Angeles and Southern California than had Mr. Strong. He acquired large holdings himself, and thus has not only been a dealer deriving profits from his transactions, but has become the owner of farms and business properties which in themselves form handsome fortunes.

            One of his business structures is on Fourth street, between Main and Los Angeles streets; another is on Fifth street, between Broadway and Hill, and Mr. Strong is also the owner of several most valuable pieces of property, notably the southwest corner of Ninth and Spring streets, with Mr. Robert Marsh. This is a location which by many it is believed will be the center of the business activity of the city in the near future. He owns also the corner of Seventh street and Central avenue, as well as the southwest corner of Ninth and Central avenue, which is occupied by a two-story business building.

            He has acquired extensive farming lands, which have become his particular charge. He owns two large ranches near La Mirada, twenty miles from Los Angeles; a very large ranch in the Coachella Valley, that is now being planted in cotton, alfalfa and dates; these and a 2000-acre grain ranch at San Jacinto smilingly evidence Mr. Strong’s capacity as a farmer.

            Besides being senior member of the firm of Strong and Dickinson, he is president of the Western Building and Investment Company, president of the Pasadena Park Improvement Company, president of the Suburban Improvement Company, president of the Cottage Terrace Tract, vice president of the Rimpau Heights Company, Alamitos Bay Improvement Company, Alamitos Development Company, Los Angeles Beach Company, Short Line Beach Company; a director in the British-American Oil Company, the North Midway Oil Company, the Gold Standard Investment Company, the Commercial National Bank, the Figueroa Heights Company, the Howard Park Company, and the Crenshaw Investment Company.

            Mr. Strong is a member of Ramona Parlor Native Sons of the Golden West and of the Union League Club, both of Los Angeles.



Transcribed by Marie Hassard 10 May 2011.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I, Page 646, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2011 Marie Hassard.