Los Angeles County






STABLER, LAIRD JOSEPH, Professor of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal., was born at Bethany, Ohio, August 27, 1863. His father was Daniel F. Stabler and his mother Rachael A. (Le Sourd) Stabler. He married Miss Maud Lulu Jones, Aug. 27, 1890, at Ft. Wayne, Ind., and to them were born two sons, Dwight W. and Robert L. Stabler.

He received his early education at Bethany, Ohio, later attending the University of Michigan, graduating with honors in 1885 with the degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist. In 1890 he obtained his degree of Bachelor of Science from Purdue University (Ind.), after which he took a post graduate course at Johns Hopkins University. In 1896 he received the degree of Master of Science from Purdue University.

During 1891-1894 Prof. Stabler occupied the chair of Chemistry in Southwestern Kansas College. In 1894 he removed to Los Angeles, Cal., associating himself with the University of Southern California as head of the Department of Chemistry and Dean of the College of Pharmacy. Prof. Stabler has made careful study of oil in Cal. and has contributed to the technical journals various important articles. Member, Am. Chemical Soc., Am. Pharmaceutical Soc., and the University Club.



Transcribed 11-9-11 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 803, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2011 Marilyn R. Pankey.