Los Angeles County









      GEORGE M. SPICER, of Long Beach, is recognized as a factor of importance in legal circles of that city, where he has been actively engaged in the practice of his profession for 23 years.

      Mr. Spicer is a native of Utah, and was born in 1880 at Manti. After completing his preparatory educational training in public schools and attending the University of Utah he served for about two years as private secretary to the General Agent of the Santa Fe Railroad, then engaged in the study of law in the office of Hon. J. L. Rawlins, of Salt Lake City.

      In 1901 he was admitted to the Utah bar, and after being associated in practice with his former preceptor for about three years, moved to California and located at Long Beach. He has since engaged in general civil practice in that city, specializing in municipal and oil law, in which fields of jurisprudence he is recognized as an authority. He has built up a splendid clientele, and is Counsel for a number of importance interests.

      Mr. Spicer holds membership in the American Bar Association, State Bar of California, Los Angeles County Bar Association and Long Beach Bar Association, of which he is a former President. He is also an Elk, and a member of the Pacific Coast Club, California Yacht Club, Virginia Country Club and Southern California Athletic & Country Club. In 1907 he married Ada M. Crapnell.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: "American Blue Book California Lawyers" by H. James Boswell, Page 70, Produced by H. James Boswell, 1928.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.