Los Angeles County








            ROTH, DR. LEON JOSEPH, Urologist and Dermatologist, Los Angeles, Cal., a son of E. D. and Julia (Georget) Roth, was born Dec. 31, 1873, at Los Angeles.  Dr. Roth was married to Miss Rilla Wrench of New York on May 7, 1911.

            After completing his public school education in Los Angeles he entered the University of California, and in 1896 acquired his first professional degree.  Later he further pursued his studies, and graduated from the College of Medicine, University of Southern California, in 1901.

            He was appointed interne at the Los Angeles County Hospital, under Dr. E. A. Bryant, and after terminating his services became associated with Dr. Hubert Nadeau, and entered into the general practice of medicine.  For five years he was the senior attending physician to the French Hospital, and part of this time assistant surgeon in the Seventh Regiment, N. G. C.

            He relinquished his large practice in 1908, going abroad for special medical research, and matriculated in the University of Paris for three semesters.  During this time he was provisional interne at Necker Hospital in the service of Prof. Albarran, and externe in the clinic at the St. Louis Hospital, under Prof. Gaucher.  Dr. Roth also visited many of the leading institutions of Europe and the United States before returning to Los Angeles, where he has resumed practice in his special branches, in association with Dr. E. T. Dillon.

            Dr. Roth is a member of the American Medical Assn., the State and County Medical Societies, the Symposium Society of L. A., Assn. of Military Surgeons of the U. S., American Urological Assn., and l’Association Francaise d’Urologie, and is Consulting Urologist and Dermatologist of the Sisters’ Hospital at Los Angeles.  Member of the Jonathan and University clubs and of Greek Letter societies.



Transcribed by Joyce Rugeroni.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 585, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2011 Joyce Rugeroni.