Los Angeles County









     NEWMARK, MAURICE HARRIS, WHOLESALE GROCER, Los Angeles, California, is a native of that city.  He was born March 3, 1859.  He is the son of Harris Newmark, retired pioneer merchant of Los Angeles and founder of a number of the most substantial enterprises operating today.  His mother was Sarah Newmark.  On July 3, 1888, he married Rose Newmark at San Francisco, California.  There is one daughter, Florence Newmark (Kauffman).

     Mr. Newmark attended private and public schools in Los Angeles from 1865 till 1872, when he went to New York and there attended a private school for one year, after which he went to Paris, France, where he devoted his time to study from 1873 to 1876, in which year he graduated and shortly after returned to Los Angeles.

     Upon his return from his studies in France, Mr. Newmark entered the employ of the H. Newmark Company, the original house from which springs the present large institution, of which he is vice president, M. A. Newmark and Company.

     The original house was established by his father in 1865, and continued under its original name of H. Newmark and Company and under the sole control of its founder until 1885.  Under the able direction of Harris Newmark, the house, which is the oldest establishment of consequence in Los Angeles, has continued successfully and is today one of the most important commercial houses in the state.

     Up to 1885 Mr. Harris Newmark had associated with him as partners at different periods such well known men as Mr. Kaspare Cohn, Mr. Samuel Cohn (Deceased), Mr. M. J. Newmark (deceased), and Mr. M. A. Newmark.

     When in 1885 Mr. Harris Newmark retired from active connection with the firm, the name changed to its present one of M. A. Newmark and Company, and M. H. Newmark’s interest became that of a full partnership.

     Mr. Newmark had been and is today identified with practically every movement of Southern California intended for civic or commercial betterment possessed of actual merit and worthy of the expenditure of time.  He at present holds the important and honorary office of harbor commissioner of Los Angeles under appointment by Mayor Alexander.  He has been president of the Associated Jobbers since that body was organized thirteen years ago.  He has been president of the Southern California Wholesale Grocers’ Association for the past ten years, and has served in one important capacity or another in most of the city organizations, such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Merchants and Manufacturers’ Association and the Board of Trade, in all of which he is or has been an active director.  He is also a director in the Southwest Museum, an adjunct of the Archaeological Society of America, established for the purpose of historical research and the preservation of prehistoric and historic relics of the Southwest.

     He is a firm believer in home industry and has backed this policy with his capital and time.  As the official head of various commercial bodies he has advocated fair and generous policies that have had the effect of bringing business to Los Angeles, and under his administration determined steps have been taken to bring about a fair equalization of railroad freight rates.

     Among his business enterprises are the following: Vice president Harris Newmark Co., first vice president M. A. Newmark & Co., vice president Los Angeles Brick Co., director Equitable Savings Bank, director Standard Woodenware Co., and director Montebello Land and Water Co.

     He is a member of the Concordia and the Jonathan Clubs.

     Mr. Newmark has a valuable collection of stamps.  He also enjoys fishing, and finds time each year to spend with rod and reel.



Transcribed 6-6-08 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 49, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2008 Marilyn R. Pankey.