Los Angeles County








    NEWCOMB, ARTHUR T., Physician and Surgeon, Pasadena, California, was born in Killawog, New York State, in the year 1871, the son of Franklin T. Newcomb and Elizabeth (Thurston) Newcomb.  He married Olive Stratton of Pasadena in 1895.

      He was educated chiefly in the best of the private schools of New York State.  He was first sent to Homer Academy, a noted school for boys, and when he had completed the course there, he was transferred to the Cortland Normal Academy, where he received his higher education.  To qualify him for business he was sent to the Wells Business College at Syracuse, New York.

      He decided upon a medical career, and entered the Baltimore Medical College, Baltimore, Maryland.  He went there the allotted number of years, taking a course in medicine and surgery, and was graduated with the class of 1893.

      Although in possession of his degree as Doctor of Medicine, he did not think himself qualified to practice.  He went to the most famous postgraduate school in America, Johns Hopkins, at Baltimore, and took considerable work in advanced courses.

      He has been a student of his profession throughout his life, stopping his practice when necessary in order to master some phase of his work, some problem or disease that had presented itself.  Five years later he went to the University of Chicago, where meanwhile had been gathered some of the best medical educators in America, and took additional work.  He has, from time to time, made a careful study of the clinics in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and at the Mayos in Rochester, Minnesota.

      His thorough training recommended him to the United States government and for four years he had a medical post under the Surgeon General of the United States.  He then determined upon a private practice.

      He opened an office in Baltimore, and engaged in a general practice, with uniform success, because his work as United States surgeon had made him well known.  There he remained for two years, until the attractions of Southern California, and the opportunities of Pasadena, decided him to make his future home in that city.

      He opened an office in Pasadena in the year 1900, and at once his business became lucrative.  He became known as a careful practitioner, who studied each case with exceeding care.  He has now built up a wide clientele, and is family physician to many of the noted families of the winter city of millionaires.

      Dr. Newcomb has been a hard worker in the many medical societies of which he is a member.  One of the most important to which he belongs is the Medical Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland.  He has attended the sessions of the American Medical Association, and of the International Congress of Tuberculosis, in both of which he is a member.  He is especially interested in the work of the latter organization, which concentrates the world-wide effort of the medical profession to suppress the great White Plague.  Since coming to the State of California, he has maintained his interest in the medical societies, which he believes are powerful factors in maintaining a high standard of skill in the profession.  He is a member of the California State Medical Association, also of the Los Angeles County Medical Association.  He is one of the most active members of the Clinical and Pathological Society of the State, and of the Pasadena Medical Society.

      He is well known socially, and is a member of the best clubs of Southern California, in addition to the strictly learned and technical societies.  He is a member of the University Club of Los Angeles, the Annandale Country Club and the Overland Club of Pasadena, and of the Southern California Automobile Club, and Catalina Tuna Club.




Transcribed 1-29-10 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I, Page 368, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2010 Marilyn R. Pankey.

















