Los Angeles County











     In the year 1905, William Mozart Morse, Jr., was admitted to the state bar of California and he has the distinction of having been the first student from Southwestern University in Los Angeles to attain this honor.  Since that time he has practiced with outstanding success in Los Angeles and is rated as one of the foremost members of the bar in Southern California.

     Mr. Morse was born in Richmond, Missouri, on the 20th of February, 1873, and is a son of William Mozart, Sr., and Virginia (Wirt) Morse, members of representative families of that state.  In obtaining his education, Mr. Morse was very versatile in his selection of courses.  The public schools of Hot Springs, Arkansas, were his starting point, after which he attended the College of Pharmacy and Medical School in St. Louis, Missouri.  Next he was a student in the Barnes Medical College of St. Louis, Missouri, and then he came to Los Angeles to enter the Southwestern University to prepare himself for the practice of law.  He has practiced continually in this city since that date and his work may be described as general practice in both the California and the Federal courts, and likewise in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, a United States court.  Mr. Morse is a member of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and the California State Bar Association.  At one time he was a candidate for municipal judge in Los Angeles, and he is a former member of the Republican state central committee.

     In the year 1905, in New Jersey, Mr. Morse was married to Miss Grace A. Morgan; a native of New York state.  To their marriage two children have been born.  The eldest is their daughter, Augusta Louise, who is the wife of Curtis Barnes, a petroleum engineer.  They have two children, William Curtis and Ka-lou.  Mr. and Mrs. Barnes met while both were students at the University of Southern California.  J. H. Morse, second child and son of Mr. and Mrs. Morse, studied law at Southwestern University and later was a student at Loyola College in Los Angeles.  He is now associated with the Paramount motion picture corporation, in charge of the juvenile department.

     Mr. Morse is a Mason, and a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.   




Transcribed by Bill Simpkins.

Source: California of the South Vol. V, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 269-270, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  Bill Simpkins.