Los Angeles County









            Prominent among the younger attorneys of Los Angeles is James A. McLaughlin, a member of the well-known law firm of Freston & Files, with offices at 650 South Spring Street.  He was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, May 10, 1901, a son of Joseph H. and Margaret (Dailey) McLaughlin.  Reared in Idaho, where the home had been established some years prior to his birth, he was graduated from the high school at Caldwell, that state, defraying the expenses of his educational training by his own earnings.  Subsequently he entered Creighton University of Omaha, Nebraska, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in 1923, and two years later, in 1925, Columbia University of New York conferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Laws.  After a year’s practice in the eastern metropolis, in association with John S. Parker, and a period as editor of a corporation manual, Mr. McLaughlin came to Los Angeles, California, where he has since been connected with the above named firm.  He has gained an enviable reputation for his ability in the work of the courts and is highly esteemed among his fellow members of the Los Angeles and California State Bar Associations.  Mr. McLaughlin was formerly a professor in the southwestern University School of Law at Los Angeles.  Fraternally he is identified with the Knights of Columbus and is a member of the Creighton and Columbia Alumni Associations.

            On the 30th of June, 1927, Mr. McLaughlin was united in marriage to Cecilia Mailey, a native of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and they are the parents of four children:  Joseph M., born July 10, 1928; James A., born on March 3, 1930; Cecilia Ann, born on June 10, 1931; and John F., born December 17, 1932.  The family residence is at 4133 Holly Knoll Drive, Los Angeles.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 33-34, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.