Los Angeles County









     MANN, CHARLES SPENCER, Real Estate Development, Los Angeles, California, was born in Valparaiso, Indiana, October 11, 1872, the son of William Freeman Mann and Louise (Spencer) Mann.  His family is one of the oldest in America, he being a descendant of Horace Mann, the celebrated educator.  Mr. Mann married Mary C. Porter at Salt Lake City, Utah, November 11, 1902, and to them there have been born two children, Nella Louise and Francis Elizabeth Mann.

     Mr. Mann attended the grammar and high schools of his native city and was graduated from the University of Valparaiso in the class of 1890.  Following the completion of his college course, Mr. Mann went to Chicago, Illinois, and there entered into the real estate business.  This was in 1891, two years before the opening of the World’s Columbian Exposition, and one of the principal sections handled by his firm was near the Midway Plaisance, at that time an undeveloped section, but later made world famous as the great amusement thoroughfare of the world’s Fair. 

     In 1893, Mr. Mann moved to Los Angeles with the intention of continuing in the real estate business there, but realty at that time was in a period of depression and he obtained employment with a mercantile house.  He remained with this concern for about three years, when real estate became more active in Los Angeles, and he re-entered that field as an employe (sic) of Easton, Eldridge & Co., one of the largest real estate firms in the city at that time, with holdings in all parts of the State.  Mr. Mann was in charge of the company’s real estate department in Los Angeles until the year 1902, when he determined to enter upon a business venture of his own.

     Mr. Mann specialized in the sale of properties northwest of the city proper, when a shortage of water existed in that part of Los Angeles, and he, with others, organized the Hollywood Water Company, in 1904, for the purpose of supplying water to the residents of that section known as Hollywood.  Mr. Mann served as President of the company until it was merged, several years later, with the Hollywood Union Water Company.

     Another important phase of Mr. Mann’s career as a developer was that dealing with the opening of new residential districts in the beautiful country surrounding Los Angeles.  He was a pioneer in presenting the residential possibilities of the various canyons, and in this capacity brought about the settlement of Laurel Canyon in West Hollywood, now one of the beautiful residence districts of Southern California.  This section, now known as “Bungalow Land,” was opened in 1907 and is now a vast park, with attractive homes and beautiful scenery as its chief characteristics.

     Mr. Mann has been one of the most active men in the development of picturesque locations in the vicinity of Los Angeles and has also taken the lead in various other lines of improvement, all having for their general object the upbuilding of the country.  For instance, in 1910, he organized a company and constructed the first and only trackless trolley in the United States, a transportation line still in operation and the main car line from Hollywood up the canyon to “Bungalow Land.”  This is one of the unique railways of the world, and quite as practical as those operating over steel rails.

     In the early part of 1912, Mr. Mann organized the Canyon Castle Corporation, one which has for its object the operation of a hotel, modeled along the lines of an old feudal castle, but modern in equipment and operation.  The structure is not complete as yet, but through it Mr. Mann and his associates hope to make Laurel Canyon one of the great tourist places of the West.

     Associated with Mr. Mann in Canyon Castle Corporation and its hotel project as S. S. Porter, and his father-in-law, both hotel men of broad experience.

     Mr. Mann is ranked with the progressive men of the Southwest and has a substantial standing in commercial circles.  Besides the Castle Canyon Corporation, he is President of the Bungalow Land Improvement Company, the Laurel Canyon Land Company and the Laurel Canyon Utilities Company.

     He is a member of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Realty Board, the Jonathan Club and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks.



Transcribed 2-11-09 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 194, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2009 Marilyn R. Pankey.