Los Angeles County









     LINDLEY, WALTER, Physician and Surgeon, Los Angeles, California, was born in Monrovia, Indiana, January 13, 1852.  His father was Milton Lindley, distinguished in the history of Los Angeles, and his mother, Mary Elizabeth (Banta) Lindley.  He is of Quaker stock.  His father was for several years Treasurer of Los Angeles County and at his death was a member of the Board of Supervisors of the County.  On his mother’s side his ancestors fought in the Revolutionary, Indian, Mexican and Civil Wars, four of his mother’s brothers being United States officers in the latter.

     He is a graduate of Minneapolis High School, Keen’s School of Anatomy, Philadelphia; Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, leaving the latter in 1875.  After graduation he went to Los Angeles to practice medicine and since that time has been one of the greatest constructive factors in the modernizing of that city.

     As Health Officer of Los Angeles, member of the Board of Education and Superintendent of the County Hospital of Los Angeles in the days when the city was emerging from the conditions of a Mexican pueblo, Dr. Lindley did much for the future of the place.

     Dr. Lindley was one of the founders of the Los Angeles Orphans’ Home, the Los Angeles Humane Society and the College of Medicine of the University of Southern California, the latter one of the foremost institutions of the kind in the United States. He also founded the Whittier State School of California, a reformatory institution for the youth of both sexes, which has been of inestimable penologic and educative value.  He is President of the Board of Trustees.

     His greatest work, however, is the California Hospital, undoubtedly one of the finest private hospitals in the world.  He founded the institution and is Secretary and Medical Director.  Following the founding of the hospital, he organized the College Training School for Nurses, the first of its kind established in Southern California.

     He is President of the California State Board of Medical Examiners, ex-President of the State Medical Society, former Vice President of the National Conference on Charities and Correction, and was appointed by President Grover Cleveland as Pacific Coast Delegate to the great International Prison Congress held in Paris in the year 1895.  He was given the degree of LL.D. by St. Vincent’s College.

     He is a director of the Farmers and Merchants’ Bank of Los Angeles, and holds a position of solid financial integrity.  As a member of the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of the Committee on Publications and Statistics he is doing much toward the advancement of Southern California.  His learned and facile pen has found valuable employment in the Southern California Practitioner, a publication which he created a quarter of a century ago and which is now the recognized medical journal of the State.  This magazine he still edits and publishes

     His literary works include: “California of the South” (in third edition); “Shakespeare’s Traducers: an Historical Sketch”; numerous papers and pamphlets on medical, social and climatological subjects.

     Dr. Lindley is a member of the California, University and Union League Clubs, the Los Angeles Humane Society and the Historical Society of Los Angeles.



Transcribed 6-11-08 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 59, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2008 Marilyn R. Pankey.