Los Angeles County







KOEBIG, ADOLPH H., Consulting, Civil and Hydraulic Engineer, Los Angeles, California, is a native of Prussia, having been born at Mottlash, in that country, on May 17, 1852. His father, Christian Gallus Koebig, and his mother, Julia (Schmeltzer) Koebig, descended from a number of distinguished ancestors. Mr. Koebig married Miss Maria Helene Kieffer on January 31, 1880, at Metz, Germany; four children have been born: Dr. W. C. Koebig, A. H. Koebig, Jr., C. E. Koebig and Kurt J. Koebig.

            Mr. Koebig availed himself of the best educational facilities in his native land; he is a graduate of the Royal Gymnasium of Karlsruhe and of the Royal Engineering departments of the Universities of Karlsruhe, Heidelberg and Berlin, graduating from Karlsruhe in 1876.

            After his entrance into the activities of life, Mr. Koebig soon came to the United States and lived and practiced his profession for a time in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but in 1885 he went to California and made his home in Los Angeles and has since here remained.

            Mr. Koebig is now the senior member of the firm of Koebig & Koebig, consulting engineers; is a director of the Ramona Power and Irrigation Company, and is chief consulting engineer for the Chuckawalla Development Company.

            After completing his studies in Germany, and serving in the military profession as an officer of the army, and securing his honorable discharge, Mr. Koebig took up the study of engineering in earnest, having the natural bent in that direction of occupation. He soon entered the government service as an engineer in the department of water, municipal roadways and railways departments.

            He removed to this country in 1880, and was at once employed as assistant resident and locating engineer in the service of a number of important Eastern railway lines.

            It was in 1888 that Mr. Koebig began the practice of hydraulic engineering as a specialized work, as he foresaw the immense development that must inure to that branch of science in this country; he naturally made a particular study of irrigation and of hydrostatic power in the West, and in Mexico he held the position of consulting and of chief engineer in a great number of the most notable companies in that region, performing the preliminary investigations, the planning, and the construction of a great many of the foremost enterprises.

            He also took an active part as adviser and expert in some of the most important litigations regarding water works and resources that have taken place in the West. His retention as consulting engineer and adviser by a number of municipalities resulted in great public benefit.

            In 1909 Mr. Koebig associated himself with his son professionally, and formed the present firm of Koebig & Koebig, continuing the same line of work that had made the father’s reputation and which has brought the son into eminence.

            The firm of Koebig & Koebig is now employed in many of the great water development undertakings that are doing so much toward making the Southwestern empire the garden spot of the world.

            The firm is retained as consulting engineer for the Ramona Power and Irrigation Company, and for the Chuckawalla Development Company. This latter company, it is stated, is one of the largest irrigation companies with the most important works in the entire west.

            Mr. Koebig is an active member of the Engineers and Architects’ Club of Los Angeles and of the Geographical Society.

            He is a member of the California and University clubs, of the Los Angeles Country Club and the San Gabriel Country Club.



Transcribed by Marie Hassard 30 August 2011.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I, Page 713, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2011 Marie Hassard.