Los Angeles County










            Numbered among physicians of the advanced school of medicine is Marie E. Duchein, M.D., of Los Angeles.  A native of Louisiana, Dr. Duchein, after receiving here classical instruction, entered the Bethany Sanitarium Training School from which she graduated in 1908.  She enrolled in the Tulare Medical School, specializing in obstetrics, and graduated with the degree of M. D. in March, 1911.  In May of that year she received her registration and has been in practice ever since.  During the World War she was stationed at the base hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana, and continued her work there until 1922.  At this time, because of the ill health of her husband, she came with him to Los Angeles.  Here the Doctor began her work again and has built up a very extensive clientele, although she gives freely of her services to those who are needy but financially unable to pay.  She is a registered nurse and obstetrician of high standing in California.

            Mr. and Mrs. Duchein became the parents of two children, Henry Joseph and Yvonne.  Mr. Duchein passed away on March 25, 1933.

             Dr. Duchein finds time from her busy professional life for work of civic advancement and is a valued member of the California Women of the Golden West.  She is also interested in the welfare of those about her and belongs to many charitable and social organizations.  She is a member of the Roman Catholic Church.




Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on June 20, 2013.

­­Source: California of the South Vol. V,  by John Steven McGroarty, Page 708, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2013  Michele Y. Larsen.