Los Angeles County








            Widely known as a novelist, poetess and lecturer, Ireine Unger Cone is a distinguished member of Santa Monica’s literary coterie, and for six years has served as president of the Santa Monica Writers Club, doing valiant work for the organization in that connection.  During the greater part of its existence she has been at the head of this noted club, whose history is recorded elsewhere in this work.  She has rendered to the organization service of great value and her retention in the office of president denotes her exceptional qualifications therefor.  For three years she was parliamentarian of the Venice City Club.  She is also a member of the Santa Monica Woman’s Club and the Santa Monica Music Association.  She has lectured before the Santa Monica Bay Woman’s Club and has also addressed other organizations.

            It was on the 4th of December, 1919, that Ireine Unger Cone arrived in Santa Monica, and here she has since made her home, devoting her attention to literary pursuits and to club work.  Her latest novel, entitled “Love in Bondage,” is one of the best she has written and has attracted much favorable comment.  “The Conqueror,” probably the finest example of her poetic muse, is considered by experts equal to Edward Markham’s “The Man with the Hoe.”  Her poem on Lincoln is read in the public schools of New York City.  “The Eclipse,” another poetic gem which has added to her prestige as a writer of verse, won a prize in the Poetry Magazine of St. Louis, Missouri.  Her poems have also appeared in the Artland Magazine and have won prizes in other magazines.  Her book of poems, “The Conqueror,” published by the Wilton Press of Hollywood, has had a large sale.

            Prior to the World War Ireine Unger Cone spent two years abroad, and on October 11, 1912, she was accorded the honor of a personal audience with the pope at the Vatican in Rome.  Subsequently, while speaking before the Santa Monica Bay Woman’s Club, she graphically described her interview with the head of the Roman Catholic Church and this interesting address was published in a local paper.



Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. III, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 101-102, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.