Los Angeles County









     BRAINERD, HENRY GREEN, Physician, Los Angeles, California, was born at Londonderry, New Hampshire, May 23, 1852, the son of Timothy Green Brainerd and Lucinda R. (Dewey) Brainerd.  His family on both sides is a noted one in New England, his mother being a cousin of Admiral George Dewey, hero of the battle of Manila Bay, the engagement which gave the United States its first great advantage over Spain during the war of 1898.  Dr. Brainerd was twice married, his first wife being Alma Loomis, whom he married at Manchester, Iowa, May, 15, 1879.  Death called her May 10, 1882, and on September 2, 1887, at Chicago, Illinois, he took as his bride Fanny Howard.  Two children have been born of this union, Henry Howard and Fred Lindley Brainerd.

     Dr. Brainerd received his primary education in Halifax, Massachusetts, but his family having removed to Iowa, he prepared for College at the Iowa Academy, Grinnell, Iowa, a preparatory branch of Iowa College.  Following this he went to Dartmouth College and was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1874.  He then entered the medical department of the Iowa State University, and later was appointed Assistant Physician to the Iowa State Hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleasant, Iowa.  He served there for a year and in 1876 enrolled as a student in Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, and received his degree of M. D. there in 1878.

     Dr. Brainerd then returned to Iowa and became Assistant Superintendent of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Independence, Iowa.  He served in this capacity from 1879 to 1887, except for an interval in 1882 and 1883, when he was in attendance at the New York Post Graduate School.

     In 1887, Dr. Brainerd relinquished his position at the Iowa institution and moved to Los Angeles, California, where he opened a private practice which he has continued down to date.  From the time of his arrival in Southern California Dr. Brainerd has held a prominent position in his profession.

     The year he located in Los Angeles Dr. Brainerd was appointed Superintendent of the County Hospital and he filled that office continuously from 1887 until 1892.  Simultaneously he was a member of the faculty of the College of medicine of the University of Southern California and while connected with the institution was honored in various ways.  From 1887 to 1909, a period of twenty-two years, he occupied the Chair of Neurology, but during that time he also held other important offices in the University.  From 1889 to 1896 he was Secretary of the Faculty and from 1896 to 1902 was Dean of the College of Medicine.

     Since 1909 Dr. Brainerd has been Professor of Neurology in the Los Angeles Department of the College of Medicine, University of California.  While connected with the University of Southern California, Dr. Brainerd organized the Dental Department there and was the first Dean of the Dental Faculty.

     Dr. Brainerd’s career has been one of honor and worthy accomplishment and he is to-day looked upon as one of the foremost practitioners in the United States.  He is a member of the leading scientific and professional organizations and in many of them has served as officer.  He is an ex-President of the Los Angeles County Medical Association and also held the same office in the Clinical and Pathological Society of Los Angeles, an organization of limited membership, and made up exclusively of men who brought honor upon the profession.

     Dr. Brainerd is a member of the Los Angeles County Medical Association, the Los Angeles Clinical and Pathological Society, Southern California Medical Society, Medical Society of the State of California and the American Medical Association.

     He is always working for the advancement of his profession, taking an enthusiastic interest in the work of the above organizations, and is an ardent supporter of all professional efforts to further the science of medicine.

     Although his life has been one full of activity, Dr. Brainerd has found time to contribute to the literature of the profession and has to his credit numerous papers on medical subjects.  His private life has been that of a scholar, but he has at all times performed the duties of citizenship and is one of the most patriotic men in the work of upbuilding Los Angeles and the rich country surrounding it.

     He holds membership in the California Club and University Club, both Los Angeles institutions.



Transcribed 6-26-08 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: Press Reference Library, Western Edition Notables of the West, Vol. I,  Page 83, International News Service, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta.  1913.

© 2008 Marilyn R. Pankey.