Kern County













 JOHN ENAS. - At St. George, Azores Islands, Portugal, John Enas was born April 29, 1852, the son of John Enas, a farmer and builder in that country. His wife, Marianna J. Bettencurt in maidenhood, died in 1911. John Enas Jr. attended school until fourteen years old. In 1866 he came alone to the United States to earn his own way unaided. Settling first in Stanislaus county, California, he worked part of the time as sheep-shearer, and part as helper on a threshing machine, being employed after this for a few years at different points in the state, working for wages. In 1873 he came to Kern county and settled in Delano, where he became occupied in sheep raising for himself and he soon became thoroughly familiar with all the details of that enterprise. He remained in Delano until 1881, when he bought what is now his home place, consisting of four-hundred and eighty acres of land, located fifteen miles west of Bakersfield on the old Headquarters road. Of this one hundred acres were then planted in alfalfa, and the remainder was un-improved. 

          Mr. Enas has since that time been extensively engaged in stockraising, handling horses, mules, sheep and cattle. He has added to his original tract until it now covers an area of over nine thousand acres; three hundred acres are under cultivation and the remainder devoted to pasture land. He has spent most of his time on his ranch, and it can be said of him that he is one of the most extensive stockraisers in the county. He also owns a section of land in the Kern River oil field, of which one hundred and sixty acres is proven oil land. On this land are twenty wells, of which fourteen are producing at the present time. In 1906 he accepted the office of vice-president and director of the Portuguese -American Bank of San Francisco, and he was also a director in the Bank of Bakersfield until it was dissolved. He is now a director of the Security Trust Company in Bakersfield. He is a man highly successful, but he has worked hard to gain the position he now holds, and has justly earned his present prosperity. An expert in stockraising, his stock is considered the best, and his business enjoys the most flattering recognition. He is a member of the U. P. E. C. and the I. D. E. S. societies, while politically is an Independent Republican.








Transcribed by Sally Kaleta.

Source: "History of Kern County with Biographical Sketches," Wallace M. Morgan, Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, California, 1914, Page 529.

© 2014  Sally Kaleta.