Imperial County









            For more than a decade public affairs have claimed the attention of Mrs. Evalyn B. Westerfield, who is doing excellent work as recorder for Imperial County.  She is a native of San Francisco and a daughter of Paul and Nancy Jane (Butler) Boman, who were born in Illinois, in which state they were married.  They came to the Imperial Valley in 1904 and Mr. Boman was the first treasurer of Imperial County.  Here he purchased a tract of wild land, which he gradually converted into a productive, well improved ranch, and made his labors vital elements in the development of this beautiful and fertile valley.  He was a Mason and a man of substantial worth, esteemed and respected by all who knew him.  Mr. Boman passed away in 1914 and his widow now resides with her daughter, Mrs. Westerfield, in El Centro.  Of the five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Boman only two survive:  Evalyn Boman Westerfield; and Robert L. Boman, who is connected with the Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco.

            After attending the public schools Mrs. Westerfield qualified for library work and was made librarian for Imperial County, proving so capable that she was retained in that capacity for a period of nine years.  In 1931 she was elected county recorder and has made an enviable record in the office, conscientiously, systematically and efficiently performing her important duties.  She is a Republican in politics and her religious belief is indicated in her membership in the Christian Church.  Mrs. Westerfield has a pleasing personality and is the possessor of those qualities which inspire respect and friendship.  She is a lover of fine horses and an equestrienne of note.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Page 199, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.




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