Imperial County










            Dorman Virgil Stewart, a worthy young native son of the Golden state, is secretary and manager of the Forty-fifth District Agricultural Association of the State of California, with offices on the Imperial County Fair Grounds at Imperial.  He was born in San Francisco, May 14, 1897.  His father, William Bailey Stewart, a native of Dumbarton, Scotland, was a graduate of an English naval academy and after immigrating to America became an officer in the United States Navy.  He was killed in the Spanish-American war.  William B Stewart married Florence Benita Dorman, a native of Virginia, whose family is related to the Ware and Greenlee families of Old Dominion.  She is now a resident of Pasadena, California.

            Dorman Virgil Stewart, an only child, attended the high schools of San Francisco and Oakland and after putting aside his textbooks devoted his attention to the management of the Lewis ranch in Tulare County, California, for about three years.  Then he enlisted for service in the World war and went overseas with the Second Division in the Signal Corps, remaining in France for nineteen months.  He was wounded and gassed in the fighting.  Following his return to the United States he was honorably discharged at San Francisco on the 15h of August, 1919.  He came to Imperial Valley in 1922 and is now secretary and manager of the Forty-fifth District Agricultural Association of the State of California, which does education work among the farmers in modern methods of agriculture.

            In September, 1919, Mr. Stewart was united in marriage to Mattie Platt Gaskill, daughter of Alexander Gaskill, of Long Branch, New Jersey.  Mrs. Stewart is very active in auxiliary work and is chairman of the Child Welfare Association of Imperial.  Mr. Stewart has membership in the American Legion and the Disabled American Veterans Association and fraternally is affiliated with Imperial Lodge, No. 390, F. & A. M., at Imperial.  Physically he is a well proportioned man of splendid physique, and his favorite sports are baseball and hunting.





Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on August 19, 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. V,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 241-242, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Michele Y. Larsen.







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