Imperial County









            Issac Schlatter, the popular mayor of Calexico, has been a resident of the Imperial Valley during the past twenty-eight years and has been very active as a contractor in ditching and plowing work in this part of the state as well as in Mexico.  He was born in Inman, Kansas, December 13, 1887, his parents being Moses and Mary (Miller) Schlatter, natives of Iowa and Indiana, respectively.  Moses Schlatter, who operated a threshing machine for a number of years, is now active in the adjustable steel forms business in Los Angeles, California.  To him and his wife, who also survives, were born eight children, seven whom are yet living.

            Isaac Schlatter acquired a grammar and high school education in his youth and subsequently was associated with his father in the threshing machine work in Oklahoma from 1901 until 1904.  On January 15, 1905, he came to Calexico, Imperial County, California, and here continued his activities as a threshing machine operator, also engaging in ranching.  As state above, he was been very active as a ditching and plowing contractor throughout the Imperial Valley and in Mexico and in the early days had large camps of workers here.

            In 1912 Mr. Schlatter was united in marriage to Miss H. J. Stants, of Kansas, and they are the parents of a daughter, Mary Josephine, who is nineteen years of age and is a third-year student at Stanford University.

            The Republican Party finds in Mr. Schlatter one of its active supporters and enthusiastic workers.  He became mayor of Calexico in April, 1932, and has since given to the city a progressive and businesslike administration characterized by various measures of reform and improvement.  Fraternally he is affiliated with the following Masonic bodies:  Calexico Lodge, No. 412, F. & A. M.; El Centro Chapter, No. 109, R. A. M., Imperial Valley Commandery, No. 54, K. T.; and Al Bahr Temple, a. A. O. N. M. S., of San Diego.  He is also identified with the Elks Lodge No. 1382 at Calexico.  Fishing and hunting constitute his favorite forms of recreation.  A gratifying measure of success has attended his business activities and he ranks with the representative, prominent and highly respected citizens of Calexico and the county.




Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on July 22, 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. V,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 219-220, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Michele Y. Larsen.







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