Imperial County











            Hon. Claude A. Ritter, the popular former postmaster of Calexico, was born in Chillicothe, Texas, October 28, 1897.           His parents were W. A. and Maggie (Wheeler) Ritter, the latter is now deceased.  W. A. Ritter, a native of Missouri and a successful rancher, is still a resident of Texas.  To him and his wife were born five children.

            Claude A. Ritter acquired his education in the schools of the Lone Star state.  When the United States became involved in the World War he joined the army and for one year served overseas with the One Hundred and Forty-fourth Infantry of the Thirty-sixth Division, with which he saw active duty on the Champagne and other fronts, sustaining wounds in battle.  He served as commander of the local chapter of the American Legion in 1932 and is also a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  It was in March, 1920, that Mr. Ritter came to the Imperial Valley.  He received his first appointment as postmaster of the city of Calexico from President Herbert Hoover for a term of four years and is now a clerk in the post office.  His official duties in this connection have been discharged with the utmost thoroughness and efficiency and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned.

            In 1930 at Yuma, Arizona, Mr. Ritter was united in marriage to Miss Clara Reed, of San Bernardino, California, a daughter of John and Mary Reed.  Mrs. Ritter, who is a past president of the Women’s Improvement Club, has always manifested an active and helpful interest in women’s affairs.  Mr. Ritter is a member of the Kiwanis Club and fraternally is affiliated with Lodge No. 1832 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks at Calexico.  He finds pleasurable recreation in a game of golf and he is deservedly popular among his many friends.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. V, by John Steven McGroarty, Page 302, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.




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