Imperial County







Henry Garfield Miller, mayor of the city of Imperial, has been identified with the Imperial Irrigation district in the capacity of superintendent since 1925. He was born in Versailles, Missouri, November 22, 1884, his parents being Henry and Martha (Thomas) Miller, both of whom are deceased. Henry Miller, a stonemason by trade, died when his son and namesake was but a young child. To him and his wife were born three children.

Henry G. Miller acquired his education in grammar and high schools and after putting aside his textbooks engaged in the celery business for a time. In 1901, when a youth of about seventeen years, he made his way westward to the Pacific coast, locating in Los Angeles, where he was employed in the Southern Pacific roundhouse for a period of four years. Subsequently he spent a year in Seattle, Washington, and then returned to California, again entering the service of the Southern Pacific Railway, with which he continued for three years. In 1914 he came to the Imperial Valley and for a year thereafter engaged in ranching. Next he became identified with Water Company No. 1 and in 1925 was made superintendent of the Imperial Division, in which important position he has served most efficiently and satisfactorily to the present time.

In 1906 Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Miss Lillian Dougherty, of Iowa, and they are the parents of two daughters, Joan and Ruth, who are twenty-six and twenty-four years of age, respectively, and reside in Los Angeles.

Prominent in civic affairs, Mr. Miller was elected a member of the city council of Imperial, was chosen chairman of the board and is now making a splendid record in the mayoralty. He has also rendered effective service to his fellow citizens as a school trustee and in other positions of public responsibility. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Masons, belonging to Imperial Lodge, No. 390, F.&.A.M., while his religious faith is that of the Episcopal Church. He stands high in public esteem throughout the Imperial Valley and has an extensive circle of warm friends here.


Transcribed 10-11-12 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: California of the South Vol. V, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 359-360, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

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