Imperial County









            A native of the south, Judge Isaac Mayfield is a typical southerner, although an adopted son of the West.  Much of his life has been spent in southern California and for years he has served as a justice of the peace, with courtroom in the fine court house at El Centro.  He was born in Garrard County, Kentucky, April 23, 1861, a son of Milton Mayfield who was also a native of Garrard County.  During the Civil War the father was a member of the Home Guard.  His life was devoted to agricultural pursuits and guided by the teachings of the Christian Church.  He passed away in 1913 at the advanced age of ninety-one years.  He wife was Mary Ann Collier, also a native of Kentucky and a daughter of Aaron Collier.  In the family of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mayfield there were twelve children, of whom four survive.

            Isaac Mayfield was reared and educated in the Blue Grass state and remained in the south until October, 1905, when he came to the Pacific coast, settling in the Imperial Valley of California.  He cultivated a ranch for six years, utilizing system of science in the development of his land, and abundant crops rewarded his intelligently directed labors.  In 1911 he embarked in the real estate business, prospering in the venture, and in that connection was active in the establishment of the first farm organization in Imperial County.

            Mr. Mayfield’s first wife was Anna Lee Stuart, to whom he was married February 11, 1891, and a son and a daughter were born to them:  Lenna B., now Mrs. D. C. Cochran, of Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, California, who has been a teacher in the public schools since 1914 and is the mother of one child, Don C.; and Paul F., who married Jane Murphy of Los Angeles.  In 1924 Mr. Mayfield was married in El Centro to Mrs. M. E. Smith, who had come here from England in 1921 to visit her daughter, Mrs. Horace Williams.  She was born in Manchester, England, a daughter of Thomas and Mary (McCulloch) Jones and a member of a family whose representatives have achieved prominence in the fields of literature, science and art.  A sketch of Mrs. Mary E. Mayfield is given elsewhere in this work.

            Mr. Mayfield is a Mason, identified with Oasis Lodge, No. 664, F. & A. M., and also has fraternal relations with the Knights of Pythias.  He is a public-spirited citizen and an influential man of his district.  On the 11th of November, 1911, he was appointed justice of the peace by the board of supervisors of Imperial County and at the expiration of his term was elected to the office, in which he has been continued for a period of twenty-two years, establishing an enviable record of long, faithful and efficient public service.




Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. IV, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 367-368, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.




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