Imperial County










            Evan Thomas Hews, a director of the Imperial Irrigation District and one of the progressive ranchers of his beautiful and fertile valley, was born April 5, 1897, on the home farm in Carroll County, Maryland, where his father, Charles Crebs Hewes, still resides.  His ancestors were early settlers in Maryland and served under General Washington in the Revolutionary war.  The mother, Mary (Brandenberg) Hewes, was also born in Maryland and is now deceased.

            A member of a family of five children, Evan Thomas Hewes spent his early life on his father’s farm and attended the public schools of Towson, Maryland.  Entering the service of the Western Maryland Railway, he was in the employ of the company for twenty-tree months, and in 1912 came to the Imperial Valley of California.  Here he worked for others for about three years and in 1916 began his independent career as a farmer, purchasing land near the town of Imperial.  A firm believer in the value of system and science, he has brought his ranch to a high state of development and is one of the largest growers of alfalfa in this part of the county, finding the soil and climatic conditions here particularly well adapted to the production of that crop.

            In 1916 Mr. Hewes was married to Miss Josie Nellie Alexander, who graciously presides over their attractive home.  Fraternally Mr. Hewes is a Mason, identified with Imperial Lodge, No. 390, F. & A. M.  An agriculturist of high standing, he was made a director of the Imperial Irrigation District in 1933, capably discharging the important duties that devolve upon him in that connection, and his office is in the Masonic building at El Centro.  He is also rendering valuable service as president of the Farm Bureau of the Imperial Valley and has clearly demonstrated his worth as a man and a citizen.  From boyhood he has been a tireless worker and well merits the prosperity which he now enjoys.





Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on August 19, 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. V,  by John Steven McGroarty, Page 250, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Michele Y. Larsen.







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