Imperial County












            Daniel P. Choisser, widely known educator, has been the capable principal of the Calexico Union high school and superintendent of the district elementary schools during the past eight years.  He was born in El Dorado, Illinois, February 5, 1875, his parents being John A. and Caroline (Musgrave) Choisser, who were also natives of that state and have passed away.  The father, a successful farmer and raiser of livestock, died in the faith of the Baptist Church.

            Daniel P. Choisser, the only surviving member of a family of four children, supplemented his grammar school education by a high school course at El Dorado, Illinois, and subsequently engaged in the profession of teaching for a time.  He was graduated from Ewing College at Ewing, Illinois, with the Bachelor of Science degree in 1902, while two years later, in 1904; the same institution conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts.  He followed the teaching profession in Illinois for eight years thereafter and served as superintendent of schools in Milliken, Colorado, from 1916 until 1918.  In the latter year Mr. Choisser came to southern California, locating in Oxnard, Ventura County, where he taught science in the high school until 1920.  He then took up his residence in Calexico, where he continued his educational work, serving as principal and teacher of science in the high school for five years.  During the past nine years, since 1925, he has filled the positions of high school principal and superintendent of the district elementary schools, which have made marked progress under his wise and efficient supervision.  Mr. Choisser is a member of the National Education Association and the California Teachers Association and represents the administrative group of Imperial County in the council of the C. T. A., southern section.  He is also an ex-president of the Schoolmasters Club of the Imperial Valley and has long been numbered among the leading and successful educators of this part of the state.

            In 1904 Mr. Choisser was united in marriage to Miss Edna Seargeant of Ewing, Illinois, a daughter of James A. Seargeant, who was a trustee of Ewing College at Ewing.  Mr. and Mrs. Choisser are the parents of three children, as follows:  Ruth, who is Mrs. Herbert M. Lightburn, of Long Beach, California, and has a daughter, Marion; Helen, a student at the University of Redlands; and Daniel, a high school student.

            Mr. Choisser is a member of the Rotary Club.  During the period of the World War he was active in Red Cross and other work, and his support and cooperation can be counted upon at all times in the furtherance of projects looking toward civic advancement.  He is interested in the organization of Boy Scouts and fraternally is a member of Calexico Lodge, No. 412, F. & A. M.  Mr. Choisser is a lover of fine horses, having owned a number of gaited saddle horses.





Transcribed by V. Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: California of the South Vol. V, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 305-306, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012  V. Gerald Iaquinta.




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