Imperial County










            For more than three decades, Frank Birkhauser has practiced law in California and has been located at El Centro for a period of fifteen years, demonstrating his ability as an advocate and counselor.  He was born at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, September 22, 1877, a son of Peter William Birkhauser, who was a native of Germany.  In childhood the father was brought to America by his parents, who settled near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  In that city he was subsequently engaged in the leather goods business for a number of years and is now deceased.  His wife, Mary Josephine (Dietrich) Birkhauser, a native of Detroit, Michigan, was a member of a French family that emigrated to this country from Alsace-Lorraine, and has also passed away.  She was the mother of three children.

            On the completion of a course in one of the parochial schools of Milwaukee, Frank Birkhauser matriculated in Marquette University, which he attended until 1895.  He pursued his law studies at the University of Minnesota, from which he received the degree of LL. B. in 1898, and in the same year was admitted to the bar of Minnesota.  In that state he gained his first experience as a lawyer, afterward practicing in cities of Wisconsin and North Dakota.  He arrived in San Francisco in 1900 and the following year was admitted to the California bar.  In 1908 he located at Brawley, where he followed his profession successfully for ten years, and in 1918 removed to El Centro.  He maintains offices at 110 North Sixth street and his legal knowledge and acumen have gained for him a large practice.

            In 1912 at St. Paul, Minnesota, Mr. Birkhauser was married to Eleanor Stine Megaw, a native of Pennsylvania, and four children were born to them:  Charles, Maria and Frankie Nell, who reside with their parents; and Eleanor, deceased.  Mr. Birkhauser’s hobby is philately and he greatly prizes his valuable collection of postage stamps.  He helped as a charter member organize the El Centro Lodge, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and is a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church, a diocesan vice president and district chairman of the Holy Name Union.  In both the legal and political affairs of Imperial county he has been very active.  He formerly served acceptably as deputy district attorney, and as attorney for the local deputy labor commissioner.




Transcribed by Mary Ellen Frazier.

Source: California of the South Vol. V, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 736-764, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2013  Mary Ellen Frazier.






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