Imperial County











            Vinnie Barry has served as assessor and collector of the Imperial Irrigation District

since March 10, 1931, with offices in the Masonic building at El Centro. She was born in Denmark, Iowa, a daughter of William and Bertha (Edman) Barry. Her father, a native of Ireland, crossed the Atlantic to the United States when a youth of seventeen years, making his way to New Orleans, Louisiana. He fought with the Confederate Army in the war between the states. William Barry died in Texas, in the faith of the Baptist Church, of which he was a devout member. In early manhood he had married Bertha Edman, who was of Swedish descent, and they became the parents of three children: Vinnie, of this review; Charles William, who died in 1929; and Julia Elizabeth Andrews.

         Vinnie Barry acquired her early education in the schools of Iowa and of Texas and attended the University of Texas during the summer sessions. She arrived in the Imperial Valley on the 11th of February, 1912. Her present position as assessor and collector of the Imperial Irrigation District is a very responsible one and her duties in this connection are most efficiently and faithfully discharged. Miss Barry is a member of the Business and Professional Women’s Club and numerous other organizations. Reading and study claim much of her time. She has ever manifested an active and helpful interest in all projects looking toward the welfare and advancement of Imeprial (sic) county and its people and is an attractive, charming woman who enjoys deserved popularity throughout the community.




Transcribed By:  Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: California of the South Vol. V, by John Steven McGroarty, Page 176, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.





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