Imperial County









            Among the successful representatives of the legal profession in Southern California is Maurice C. Atchison, who has been engaged in law practice at Calexico during the past sixteen years.  He was born in Albia, Iowa, March 7, 1877.  His father, Cyrus C. Atchison, an agriculturist by occupation, removed from his native state of Ohio to Iowa, where he became a prominent merchant.  He is now living retired in Los Angeles, California, at the advanced age of eighty-two years, and he is a devoted member of the Associate Presbyterian Church.  In young manhood he married Miss Ann Oxley, who was born in Concord, Ohio, and who passed away leaving two children:  Maurice C., of this review; and Alda, a teacher in the Junior high schools of Los Angeles.

            Maurice C. Atchison acquired his early education in the high schools of Albia, Iowa, his native city, and received his professional training at the University of Nebraska, from which institution he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1902.  The same year he was admitted to the bar and began the work of his chosen profession in Iowa, where he continued to practice until 1910.  He served as county attorney of Adair county, Iowa, and also held other offices of public trust and responsibility.  In 1910 he went to Stillwater, Oklahoma, where he engaged in law practice for a period of four years and acted as special judge for a time.  He served as a director of the State Bank of Commerce in Stillwater for four years.  Subsequently he went o South America in the interests of an oil syndicate but was unable to accomplish anything by reason of the outbreak of the World war.  Next he practiced in Los Angeles, California, from 1915 until 1917 and in the latter year came to Calexico, where he has since remained and has built up an extensive and gratifying clientele.  He is a member of the Imperial County Bar Association, of which he was the first president, under the California State Bar Act, and he also belongs to the California State Bar Association.

            In 1909 Mr. Atchison was united in marriage to Miss Albea ReMine, of Iowa, and they are the parents of a son, ReMine C., born in 1910, who is now associated with Calavo Growers of California in Los Angeles.  The young man is a graduate of Page Military Academy of Los Angeles, where he became captain, and also completed a course at the Pacific Military Academy of Los Angeles, where he served as major.  For three years he was a student at the University of Southern California.  ReMine C. Atchison has won the Lindberg medal and many other decorations for his scholastic achievements.         

            Mr. Atchison of this review is an active worker in the local ranks of the Republican Party and for several years served as city attorney of Calexico.  At the time of the World war he rendered patriotic service to the government as a member of the examining board and as a Four-Minute speaker.  Fraternally he is affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and with the Masons, being a member of Frontier Lodge, No. 49, A. F. & A. M., of Stillwater Oklahoma, and Stillwater Chapter, No. 14 R. A. M.  He merits and enjoys the respect and honor of those with whom he has come in contact, for he is a broad and liberal minded man, a public-spirited citizen, an able, forceful lawyer, and in the more retiring relations of life a devoted husband and father and faithful friend.




Transcribed By:  Michele Y. Larsen on July 22, 2012.

Source: California of the South Vol. V,  by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 221-222, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles,  Indianapolis.  1933.

© 2012 Michele Y. Larsen.







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