Imperial County









John C. Archias, widely known as one of the most prominent seedsmen in the United States, is the president and manager of the Cuff-Archias Seed Company of Brawley, a large corporation which had its inception under his direction in 1914. He was born in Helena, Arkansas, November 20, 1878, his parents being Leon and Mary (Wellar) Archias, the former a native of France and the latter of Augusta, Georgia. Both are deceased. The ancestral home of the Archias family in France has been occupied by those of the name for several hundred years. Leon Archias, the father of John C. Archias, was successfully engaged in business as a seedsman and was a devout communicant of the Catholic Church. To him and his wife were born eight children, five of whom survive.

John C. Archias acquired his education in the schools of Arkansas. When a youth of seventeen years he embarked in the seed business in association with his older brother at Fayetteville, Arkansas, whence he later removed to Carthage, that state. Thereafter he was identified for five years with the large Barteldes Seed Company of Denver, Colorado, which he represented in a managerial capacity and also on the road. Subsequently he engaged in farming on the western slope for the benefit of his health, having come to California in 1912 and to the Imperial Valley in the following year. It was in 1914 that he removed from Los Angeles to Brawley, where he established the present extensive seed business incorporated as the Cuff-Archias Seed Company in 1920. Mr. Archias is president and manager of the corporation, which has been developed to very profitable proportions under his capable control. He annually publishes two large seed catalogues in Spanish and English and is known throughout the country for his achievements as a seedsman. It is a fact worthy of note that the first flowers ever transferred by airplane came to his store. Mr. Archias is a member of the American Seed Association and other organizations of seedsmen. He is a director of the Merchants Credit Association, the Imperial County Fair Association, and he is interested in ranching.

On the 6th of July, 1903, Mr. Archias was united in marriage to Mary Satterwhite, of Sedalia, Missouri, daughter of William Satterwhite. They are the parents of two children; Harney C., who married Ada Moore, of Nevada, and who is associated with his father in the seed business; and Margaret A., the wife of W. D. Dickey, who is active in the seed business with his father-in-law, J. C. Archias.

Fraternally Mr. Archias is affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective order of Elks. He has written articles for many trade journals and newspapers which attest his literary ability and his broad knowledge of the subjects discussed. A world traveler, he has spent considerable time in Europe and also in South America and has done much exploring in Mexico.


Transcribed 5-17-13 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: California of the South Vol. V, by John Steven McGroarty, Pages 711-712, Clarke Publ., Chicago, Los Angeles, Indianapolis.  1933.

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