In introducing the Essays and Stanzas of the Pupils of San Francisco's Public Schools, we take pleasure in presenting a biography of the prize winner on two subjects, namely, Photography and "The Calligraph," Miss Maude E. Hammond, who was born in the city of San Francisco, California, on May 23, 1879.


The result of an early attendance at school and the persistent adherence to studious proclivities has brought her prominently before her classmates as a subject of intellectual criticism.  At the age of six years she first embarked into school life at the Lincoln Primary, and at once exhibited a decided inclination to study.


At so tender an age few children show any other faculty then that of childish prattle; but for this student a brilliant career was at once mapped out for her future, and all along the line of her school days her ability has been fully established.


Having a yearly promotion from the Primary Grammar Schools, Miss Hammond will graduate in the class of '95 from the Mission Grammar School, under the able superintendence of Mrs. Nettie R. Craven, Principal.  At this school she has always been foremost in her classes, and has shown a remarkable adaptation for essay writing.


We need not comment on the subject of our sketch other than mention, what her personal friends are familiar with, such as an admirable associate with a disposition of a congenial character, and that her popularity among her schoolmates and teachers has won for her and enviable position among them.


The offer of prizes by the merchants of this city for competitive essays on the separate industries of San Francisco immediately occupied her attention, and without delay she sent into the offices of the Publishers four lengthy essays on different subjects, the merit of which succeeded in carrying off two valuable prizes.  This merit, in itself, establishes the fact that she is a tireless worker and an ardent student, capable of governing a successful future.


Her father, Samuel C. Hammond, and Laura E. Hammond, her mother, both of intellectural stock, arrived here in the sixties from the Eastern States, and the natural adaptability of his family soon gained for him a reliable position in the commercial world.  This streak of intelligence is plainly visible in his daughter.  Our best wishes are offered to this Hammond for a successful graduation.