Glenn County








      Through experience and ability C. H. Wren is exceptionally well qualified for the important duties which devolve upon him as agricultural commissioner of Glenn County, and throughout the period of his residence in Willows he has been classed with its most progressive and public-spirited citizens.  Born in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, November 20, 1878, he is a son of J. D. and Martha (Rutherford) Wren.  His father, a native of Kentucky, came to California in 1888, settling near Salinas, Monterey County.  Later he purchased land in Solano County, developing a fruit farm in the Vacaville district, where he engaged in that line of activity for many years, and his death there occurred in 1929.

      At the age of ten years C. H. Wren came to the Pacific coast with his parents, attending grammar school at Salinas for a time and completing his studies in the Vacaville high school.  He was first an employee of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company four years, and then went on a ranch near Sacramento, where his attention and energies were given to fruit farming until 1910.  At that time he located in Willows and opened a real estate office, continuing in that business until 1917, when he became horticultural commissioner of Glenn County for a term of four years. On the expiration of that period he entered the field of contracting and was closely identified with building operations in various localities, establishing a business of substantial proportions.  He returned to Willows and has since been agricultural commissioner for Glenn County, with office in the Memorial Hall.  He is really one of the police of the state with reference to plant life and closely watches the various forms of plant and tree life either coming in or going out of the district.  Years of study, observation and experience have given him a highly specialized knowledge of horticultural science, on which he is able to speak with authority, and his expert services have been of great value to the county.

      In 1911 Mr. Wren was married to Miss Esther West, a daughter of John J. and Ella (Green) West, and two children were born to them, Justine E. and Merle.  For his second wife Mr. Wren chose Miss Carrie E. Wilson, a native of Illinois and a daughter of Edwin and Eliza M. Wilson.  The three children of this marriage are Lorna D., Norman and Ella Mae.

      For recreation Mr. Wren turns to fishing, hunting and golf and is secretary of the Willows Golf Club.  He is a New Thought follower and his political allegiance is given to the Republican Party.  In the activities of the Willows Chamber of Commerce he is a leading spirit and has been chosen a delegate at large to the regional citizens’ council.  Every project for the benefit of Glenn County receives his strong endorsement and hearty support and at all times he has worked along constructive lines, making his efforts effective and far-reaching.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3 Pages 281-283. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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