Glenn County









            Among the officials of Glenn County is numbered Mr. Stanton, who is now acceptably filling the office of sheriff and in the discharge of his duties manifesting a fearlessness and fidelity that render him a very competent official.  He was born at Canton Corners, Ohio, on the 18th of June, 1838, and is a son of Joseph Stanton, a native of the Empire state.  His father was a mechanic and engaged in the construction of carding machinery.  He also followed farming to some extent, but devoted the greater part of his attention to industrial effort.  His political support was given to the Whig party and he died in Hancock County, Illinois, at the age of sixty-one years.  In early manhood he married Clarissa Griffin, a native of Pennsylvania, who died in California at the age of seventy-eight years.  She was the mother of seven children, five of whom are yet living.  Her father was Samuel Griffin, a mechanic, who resided in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, where he died at the age of sixty years.

            Hiram C. Stanton, the youngest in his father’s family, spent his boyhood days on the old home farm, and when a youth of sixteen began working as a farm hand, which pursuit he followed for six years.  He then determined to seek a home in California and in 1862 made his way to the Pacific slope, locating at Grand Island.  He settled on a farm of one hundred and sixty acres of partially improved land and devoted his time and energies to the further development and cultivation of that property through the succeeding seven years.  He then removed to another farm, seven miles southwest of Willow, where he built the first grain warehouse in the locality.  In the fall of 1894 he was elected to the office of sheriff of Glenn County and the following year came to Willow, where he now makes his home.  He still superintends his farm, however, and derives therefrom a good income.  In 1898 he was re-elected county sheriff and displays fearlessness and loyalty in discharging the onerous duties which devolve upon him.

            Mr. Stanton is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Order of the Eastern Star.  He has always been a staunch Republican in his political views since casting his first presidential vote for Lincoln in 1864.  Industry and enterprise are numbered among the salient points of his character, and these are bringing to him success in his business, while in public life they have won for him the high regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact.

            On December 28, 1858, Mr. Stanton was united in marriage to Miss Rachel Evans, a daughter of James and Mary Evans, of Adams County, Illinois, and they are the parents of six children:  Wilford A., born April 14, 1860; Laura Cornelia, January 15, 1862; Harry E., December 28, 1866; Seth W., July 14, 1871; Mary Clarissa, April 14, 1873; and Florence Belle, August 21, 1875.

            Wilford A. married Louisa Mason and has one son, Arthur.  Laura Cornelia is the wife of Henry St. Louis and they have two children:  Coridon and Wilowbell.  Harry E. married Mary Whitlock and they have three children:  Myrtle, Violet and Elsie.  Seth W. married Bertha Pitcher and they have one son, Pollard.  Mary Clarissa and Florence Belle are at home.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 215-216. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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