Glenn County








            The history of California has been one of romantic interest at an early period and of marked progress at a later date.  In the latter epoch Mr. Orr has been a prominent factor in connection with the development of Glenn County and is now actively connected with the mercantile and political interests of the community, his home being in Willow, where he successfully conducts a well equipped store.  The residents of California have come to the Pacific coast from the various states throughout the Union and Mr. Orr is one of the worthy citizens which Virginia furnished to this commonwealth.

            He was born in Lee County, of the Old Dominion, on Christmas Day in 1849, and is a son of John P. and Priscilla (Winn) Orr.  His paternal grandparents were David and Rosa Orr, who spent their entire lives in Virginia, the former dying at the age of eighty years.  John P. Orr was born in that state and became a very prominent farmer of Lee County, where he died at the age of seventy years.  He married Priscilla Winn, also a native of Lee County, and her death occurred in 1893, at the age of sixty-five years.  In their family were eleven children, eight of whom are yet living.

            George Wesley Orr, the subject of this review, spent the days of his boyhood and youth in his parents’ home, remaining in the state of his nativity till after he attained his majority.  Owing to the unsettled condition of affairs caused by the Civil War, his educational privileges were somewhat limited, but by experience, reading and observation he became a well informed man.  In September, 1872, he bade adieu to his native state and crossed the country to California, locating in what was then Colusa County, but is now Glenn County.  After three years he removed to Arizona, where he engaged in dealing in stock for three years and then returned to Glenn County, where he carried on stock raising for about ten years.  On the expiration of that period he turned his attention to merchandising and has found in this line of endeavor a profitable source of income, for his store is well equipped with everything found in his line and his courteous treatment and honorable dealing have secured to him a liberal patronage.

            On the 4th of May, 1882, occurred the marriage of Mr. Orr to Miss Alice Brockman, a native of Glenn County.  They have many warm friends in the locality and their pleasant home is celebrated for its gracious hospitality.  Mr. Orr cast his first presidential vote for Grover Cleveland in 1884, and has since been an earnest advocate of the Democracy.  While residing in Virginia he served as deputy clerk of the county and since coming to the Golden state has been an active factor in political circles in Willow.  In 1898 he served as chairman of the county central committee and his labors were most effective in promoting the interests of the party.  He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, greatly esteemed by his brethren of the order, and is a genial gentleman, of cordial disposition and courteous deportment who gains friends wherever he goes.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: “A Volume of Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative Citizens of Northern California”, Pages 260-261. Chicago Standard Genealogical  Publishing Co. 1901.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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