El Dorado County










      The dean of the medical profession at Placerville, California, is Dr. W. Augustus Reckers, who has practiced his profession of medicine and surgery for well over a quarter of a century, and is now enjoying the fruits of well merited success.  There were years filled with hardship, of lonely night rides, of miles on foot or horseback, long vigils, and countless other experiences which only a pioneer mountain doctor can have.  His career, however, has been most interesting, and filled with professional achievement which only one of his native fortitude, ambition and judgment could have accomplished.  He established and is now the owner of the Placerville Sanatorium, a strictly modern hospital of twenty-three beds.

      W. Augustus Reckers was born on a farm in Colusa County, California, March 6, 1876, a son of Augustus and Theresa (Westcamp) Reckers.  The father was a native of Germany, and after he came to the United States, first settled in Pennsylvania.  About 1866 he went to Colusa County, California, where he engaged in farming, and there resided until in death in 1889.  His widow survived him until 1917.  They were the parents of eight children.

      W. Augustus Reckers attended the rural schools of the Fairview district in Colusa County, then entered the State Normal School at Chico, California, but did not remain long, as he had determined to make the practice of medicine his life’s work.  With this end in view, he entered the Cooper Medical College at San Francisco, and in 1901 received his degree of Doctor of Medicine from this institution.  For one year following his graduation, he served as an intern in the San Francisco City and County Hospital, then another year in the Southern Pacific Railroad Hospital at Sacramento.  In 1903 he came to Placerville, and here has served the people continuously since that date.  Dr. Reckers is the oldest physician, in years of service, in the city, and is respected and beloved over a wide territory.  His political affiliation is with the Republican Party, and he is a member of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks at Grass Valley.  Professionally he belongs to the Sacramento County Medical Association, the California State Medical Association, and the American Medical Association.  He enlisted in October, 1917, and served till 1918, being engaged in surgical duty at the Letterman Hospital at San Francisco.  He finds rest and relaxation from his professional labors in travel, and he indulges in this at every opportunity.

      Dr. Reckers was married to Miss Florence Turney Allen, of Sacramento, California, and they have become the parents of the following:  Evelyn, who died in infancy; Stanley William, now studying law at Harvard University; and Florence Louise, now at the University of California at Berkeley, majoring in history.



Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 46-49. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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