El Dorado County










      Among the younger members of the medical profession in El Dorado County, none is held in greater esteem than Dr. A. A. McKinnon, who has been engaged in practice in Placerville for the past five years and is regarded as a thoroughly competent and reliable physician.  He was born in Bottineau, North Dakota, on the 6th of August, 1900, and is a son of Neil and Margaret (Acheson) McKinnon.  His father served as sheriff and deputy sheriff of Bottineau County and on retiring from office turned his attention to farming, also engaging in the transfer business, in which he was successful.

      A. A. McKinnon received his elementary education in the public and high schools of his native city, after which he was a student in the University of North Dakota for one year.  He then matriculated in the medical school of the University of Minnesota, from which he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1925.  He served his internship in the City Hospital of San Francisco and the Sisters’ Hospital in Sacramento, after which, in July, 1926, he came to Placerville and entered upon the practice of his profession.  He has built up a large practice and has been very successful in the treatment of human ailments.  He is now serving as county physician and health officer, the duties of which dual position he is discharging in a very creditable manner.  Socially he is popular because of his agreeable and kindly manner and the fine public spirit which he has shown in relation to matters affecting the welfare and progress of his community.

      Dr. McKinnon was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Moriarity.  Politically he is a staunch supporter of the Republican Party, and fraternally is a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles.  Professionally he is affiliated with the Sacramento County Medical Society, the California State Medical Society and the American Medical Association.  During the World War he served in the Students Army Training Camp.  He is a gentleman of fine personal qualities, is devoted to his life work and has attained a high place in the ranks of his profession in this section of the state.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 2 Pages 360-361. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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