El Dorado County










      The late J. C. MacDonald, of Rescue, California, who departed this life on October 7, 1915, was a man of good education and high attainments as an engineer and performed some notable work in his line.  While he was greatly respected for these things, he was also greatly esteemed for his high character and likeable traits, which won for him a warm place in the hearts of all who were associated with him.  A native of Nova Scotia, he was there reared to the age of twenty-one years, and in the course of his educational training acquired a thorough and practical knowledge of civil and mechanical engineering.  At about the time he attained his majority he went to Portland, Oregon, where he lived for five years, and then became connected with the Grunley Smelting Company at Grand Forks, British Columbia, in which position he continued for nine years.  He then continued the private practice of his profession in Grand Forks, organizing an engineering and construction company.  Later he went to Vancouver and opened an engineering office and shortly afterward constructed the Vancouver and New Westminster water works system.  Later, because of impaired health, Mr. MacDonald disposed of his British Columbia interests and came to his wife’s home place at Rescue, where he spent much time in the improvement and development of the ranch.  He was called to Ottawa, Canada, by the provincial government to plan for bringing water from Clear Lake, but because of conditions, the project was abandoned.  In the spring of 1915 he returned to the home place, his health failed rapidly and he closed his eyes to earthly scenes in the fall of that year.

      Soon after first going to Portland, Oregon, Mr. MacDonald met and was united in marriage to Miss Julia Litten, who at that time was teaching school in Portland.  She is a daughter of Arthur Litten, to whom personal reference is made in other pages of this work.  Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald became the parents of two children, Lloyd, who died in infancy, and Litten D., who died May 20, 1930, at the age of thirty-two years, a bright and gifted young man, whose death was a great loss to his mother.  Mr. MacDonald was a Republican in his political views and was urged to accept public office, but invariably declined to become a candidate.  He was a member of the Masonic order and was extremely popular wherever known, his death being regarded as a personal loss by those who knew him.

      A bit of old history is recalled in the fact that General Fremont camped at the spring on the MacDonald farm, and Fremont Peak was no named from the fact that the General took observations from its summit.  It is located on the MacDonald property and is but a short distance from the home.  It is the highest point between Mt. Hamilton and Mt. Shasta.  Mrs. MacDonald carries on the work of the ranch, being a woman of ability and judgment in practical matters.  Her sister, Miss Litten, who also lives in the old home, is a teacher and has taught three generations of El Dorado children.




Transcribed by Gerald Iaquinta.

Source: Wooldridge, J.W.Major History of Sacramento Valley California, Vol. 3, Pages 28-29. Pioneer Historical Publishing Co. Chicago 1931.

© 2010  Gerald Iaquinta.



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